A curated list of AWESOME blogs, videos, tips-and-tricks, codes, tools, and scripts. Hand-picked tips and tricks to help you learn Azure Bicep and get you ready to start deploying Azure resources to your favorite environment(s).
Community contributions are very welcome! Check out the contribution guide and submit a Pull Request with your adds/removes/changes to the content!
Links below are from official Microsoft sources, websites, and channels.
- Option 1: Deploy Azure resources by using Bicep and Azure Pipelines
- Option 2: Deploy Azure resources by using Bicep and GitHub Actions
- Part 1: Fundamentals of Bicep
- Part 2: Intermediate Bicep
- Part 3: Advanced Bicep
- Add linter settings in the Bicep config file
- Best practices for Bicep
- Bicep documentation
- Bicep file structure and syntax
- Configure your Bicep environment
- Comparing JSON and Bicep for templates
- Create private registry for Bicep modules
- Deploy Bicep files from Azure Cloud Shell
- Deploy resources with Bicep and Azure PowerShell
- Frequently asked questions for Bicep
- How to deploy resources with Bicep and Azure CLI
- How to use Azure Bicep for developing ARM templates - Jan 5, 2022
- Install Bicep tools
- Migrate to Bicep
- Official Azure Bicep Releases
- Project Bicep - an ARM DSL
- Publish Bicep modules to private module registry
- Quickstart: Intro to Bicep with Web App and DB
- Set scope for extension resources in Bicep
- Understand the structure and syntax of Bicep files
- What is Bicep?
- Bicep Community Calls & Azure Deployment & Governance Channel
- Learn Live - Build your first Bicep template
- How to use Azure Bicep for developing ARM templates | Azure Tips and Tricks
- Learn everything about the next generation of ARM Templates
- Level up your skills with Bicep!
- Azure Pipelines for Bicep Tasks
- Comparing JSON and Bicep for templates
- Decompiling ARM template JSON to Bicep
- AKS Bicep Accelerator
- Azure Landing Zones (ALZ) - Bicep
- Azure Spring Apps Reference Architecture - Bicep template
- Azure Verified Modules (AVM)
- Bicep Authoring Devcontainer
- Bicep Registry Modules
- Bicep samples for documentation
- Bicep Testing Framework (BenchPress)
- Bicep type definitions for ARM resources
- Common Azure Resource Modules Library (CARML)
- Microsoft Graph Bicep extension (public preview)
- Project Bicep - an ARM DSL
- Template Best Practice Analyzer (BPA)
Links below are from community sources, websites, and channels.
- ARM (and Bicep) Template Masterclass
- Azure Bicep: Get Up and Running
- Azure Spring Clean 2022 - Bicep Registry
- Bicep for Real
- Bicep vs Terraform - A fair and balanced comparison
- Build your first Azure Bicep Template
- Day 5 - Data Types in Azure Bicep
- Day 9 - Master Functions & Operators in Azure Bicep
- Day 15 - Deploying a solution in Azure using Bicep to investigate Network Anomalies by Dave Rendon
- Day 15 - Let's flex our Biceps to help Santa by Marco Obinu
- Day 16 - Twelve features of Bicep – Christmas edition with Esther Barthel and Freek Berson
- Day 24 - Arm your Bicep with D(i)SC - how to make your life easier while building new environments - 2021
- Deployment Stacks Deep Dive - John Savill
- Embrace Infrastructure as Code Right Now With Azure Bicep - Nashville Azure Users Group - Feb 18, 2022
- Getting Started with Azure Bicep
- EP7: Getting Started with Azure Bicep - Tutorial
- Mert to the Future #10 - Using Bicep to Create Your Azure Data Solution with Heini Ilmarinen
- Policy as Code with Bicep for Enterprise Scale
- Project Bicep Azure Infrastructure as Code (ARM Template Alternative) - Feb 22, 2021
- The Future of AKS Monitoring: Trends and Tools You Can’t Ignore with Azure Bicep
- Transforming ARM into Azure Bicep
- Understanding and Using Project BICEP - The NEW Azure Deployment Technology
- 079 - We're talking about Azure Bicep
- Azure Greg chats to Elkhan Yusubov about Bicep, Cloud Marathoner and Cloud Journey
- Azure Greg chats to Freek Berson about Bicep and covers 3 exciting new features
- Episode 21: Bicep with Alex Frankel
- How to deploy an SAP system using Azure Bicep
- Azure Infrastructure as Code - With ARM templates and Bicep
- Getting started with Bicep: Infrastructure as code
- Infrastructure as Code with Azure Bicep
- Infrastructure Management with Azure Bicep: Learn how to build reusable and scalable infrastructure using best practices for Infrastructure as Code (IaC)
- Azure Bicep - Zero to Hero
- 5 Cool Things about Azure Bicep templates
- A Gentle Introduction to Bicep
- Addressing configuration drift using Deployment Stacks
- Apply Azure naming convention using Bicep functions
- ARM Templates Or Azure Bicep — What Should I Use?
- Automating Certificate Management with keyvault-acme
- Azure best practice for Bicep with PSRule
- Azure Bicep Deployment with Deployment Stacks
- Azure Bicep lambda expressions
- Azure Bicep nullability operators explained
- Azure Bicep Playground: Transitioning from ARM templates into Bicep
- Azure Bicep posts on Cloud Marathoner's Journey
- Azure Bicep Tips & Tricks
- Azure Bicep: Deploy a virtual machine with Office pre-installed
- Azure Bicep: Getting started guide
- Azure Budgets leveraging Bicep Registries
- Building our new Azure Data Landing Zone IP
- Chaining Bicep Deployments using Outputs and Stage Dependencies in Azure Pipelines
- Checkov now supports scan Bicep- Bicep + Checkov + Azure DevOps
- Chicken and the Egg: How to Handle Bicep Interdependencies
- Convert ARM templates to Azure Bicep
- Create your first Azure Bicep template
- Create your own function in Azure Bicep with user-defined functions
- Creating an Azure Landing Zone using Bicep - Part 1
- Creating an Azure Landing Zone using Bicep - Part 2
- Creating Reusable Infrastructure as Code Part 2: Creating Modules with Azure Bicep
- Deploy Azure Bicep using GitHub Actions
- Deploy Azure Infrastructure with Azure Bicep
- Deploy Azure Lab Services using Azure Bicep
- Deploy Azure Virtual Desktop using DevOps Pipelines and Bicep
- Deploy Ubuntu VM with Prometheus and Grafana using Bicep Language
- Deploying Azure Bicep using GitHub Actions
- Deployment Stacks for Bicep are awesome: a full walkthrough & sneak peek and of what's coming soon
- Eliminate old API versions in your Azure Bicep templates
- Enhance objects with User-Defined Types in Azure Bicep
- Enhance the readability of Azure Bicep templates with these tips
- Ensuring SQL Server Compliance with Bicep and Azure Policy
- From Azure Bicep template to Azure resource
- Generate Bicep parameters with Azure CLI or Visual Studio Code
- Get a consistent Azure naming convention with Bicep modules
- Getting started with Azure Bicep - techielass
- Getting started with Project Bicep for Azure ARM
- Hardening parameter inputs on Azure Bicep files
- How to deploy Azure Policy with Bicep
- Implement Scaling plans for Azure Virtual Desktop using Bicep
- Import and Export feature across Bicep Templates
- Improve code generation with custom instructions for GitHub Copilot
- Introducing the “Helm Install Command” Bicep Module: Streamlining AKS bootstrapping
- Learning Infrastructure as Code (IaC): Environment Setup
- Learning Infrastructure as Code (IaC): Variables vs Parameters
- Mastering CIDRs With Azure Bicep
- Pester Unit Tests for Azure Bicep Modules
- Project Bicep: ARM Templates Re-Imagined
- Reusability with export and import in Azure Bicep
- Run PowerShell scripts with Azure Bicep
- Seamlessly deploy Azure Front Door Premium with Private Endpoint to App Services with Azure Bicep
- Simplify Azure DevOps agent management with Managed DevOps Pools
- Simplifying Azure IaC with Azure Bicep child resources
- Subnetting in Azure Bicep
- Testing and Validation of Bicep Templates using PSRule
- The Building Blocks of Infrastructure as Code with Azure Bicep
- Three use cases for using GitHub Copilot with Azure Bicep
- Troubleshooting steps with the Azure Bicep Insert and system path errors
- Use cases for GitHub Copilot and Bicep
- What are the good options to manage sensitive info in Azure Bicep?
- What is new in Azure Bicep v0.4?
- Whitelisting your Public IP with Azure Bicep and PowerShell
- ARM (and Bicep) Template Toolkit Azure DevOps Extension
- AzAdvertizer
- Bicep Playground
- Check-Azure-Bicep - pre-commit hooks for Azure Bicep validation
- NubesGen - Automatically generate bicep for your project
- AzInsider Dave Rendon
- Azure Update Manager Accelerator
- Ba4bes/Bicep-NamingConvention
- christosgalano/bicep-docs
- ElYusubov/Learn-Bicep
- fberson/Getting-started-with-Bicep-Infrastructure-as-code-on-Azure
- fberson/wvd
- gbaeke/aks-bicep
- globalbao/azure-policy-as-code
- jamesatighe/AVD-BICEP
- jaydestro/aksbicep
- johnlokerse/bicep-snippets
- johnlokerse/azure-bicep-cheat-sheet
- kevinevans1/learn-azure-bicep
- lordlinus/databricks-all-in-one-bicep-template
- Packt Publishing - IaC with Azure Bicep
- PSBicep - Bicep PowerShell Module
- PSBicep/BicepNet - A thin wrapper around Bicep that will load all bicep assemblies in a separate context
- PSRule - A cross-platform module to validate infrastructure as code (IaC) and objects using PowerShell rules.
- scautomation/Bicep-AzureMonitor-Sentinel
- Welasco/Bicep - Create Private AKS Cluster using Bicep
- your-azure-coach/bicep-azdevops
- riosengineer/Bicepify - Easy to digest Bicep concept demo examples
- Azure Bicep Workshop - Deploy full stack app in Azure
- Azure Bicep Advent Calendar - An Azure Bicep journey from basic to advanced aligned to an Advent Calendar