"Easy" Tetris (take two). This is a fork of "TINT is not Tetris" tint-0.04+nmu1 to continue the game piece distribution experiment I started with eastris-bsd.
Since the reader probably does not know what that is: I modified the BSD games version of Tetris to drop the same piece about 30 times in a row (there's a small chance of getting something different). This changes gameplay significantly. In the end, I found that the controls in that version of Tetris to be unsatisfactory, and moved to a new code base.
As of release 1.4, there are five game play modes here. Each scores differently and have their own high score lists:
traditional This should be just the same as TINT, except that a scoring rounding bug when using 'draw grid' and 'show next' at once has been fixed.
easytris This makes the game "easy" by being highly predictable in piece selection for long stretches. For intervals of ten to thirty pieces, you have an 85% chance to get a particular piece, then the interval resets with a new piece.
challenge Clear the board of the initial pieces to advance the level, trying not to leave the board full of additional pieces when solved.
zen This just scores based on lines cleared. The game play never speeds up for a soothing steady stream of blocks.
speed This scores on a lines per minute basis. It's a "correction" to zen to reward fast work.
January 2019