You can check out my Computer Science CV or Social Science CV
This repo consists of:
Recent research on green computing, networks and reinforcement learning:
β‘ ln-topology-analysis & π paper
β‘ ln-one-shot-path-planning & π paper
β‘ ln-dynamic-optimization & π paper
β‘ eth-broadcast-protocol & π paper
Recent research on social science and environmental psychology:
π± research-eco-2022 & π paper
My meaningful contributions to other projects:
mosaik ~ a flexible co-simulation framework:
β‘ mosaik-emissions & π paper
β‘ mosaik-pvgis
hyBit project:
The Hannah Arendt Research Center:
π rostrud_pipeline & πΎ dataset & π paper
Pet-projects, utils and other things:
π apatools ~ Meta-analysis and Reporting tools
π imltools ~ Interpretable Machine Learning toolbox
β¨ pvutils