This project is licensed under the terms of the Apache license 2.0.
ELMAH for Net.Standard and Net.Core (3.1, 5, 6)
Add nuget package elmahcore
1) services.AddElmah() in ConfigureServices
2) app.UseElmah(); in Configure
must be after initializing other exception handling middleware, such as (UseExceptionHandler, UseDeveloperExceptionPage, etc.)
Default elmah path ~/elmah
services.AddElmah(options => options.Path = "you_path_here")
services.AddElmah(options =>
options.OnPermissionCheck = context => context.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated;
Note: app.UseElmah();
needs to be after
or the user will be redirected to the # screen even if he is authenticated.
You can create your own error log, which will store errors anywhere.
class MyErrorLog: ErrorLog
//implement ErrorLog
This ErrorLogs available in board:
- MemoryErrorLog – store errors in memory (by default)
- XmlFileErrorLog – store errors in XML files
- SqlErrorLog - store errors in MS SQL (add reference to ElmahCore.Sql)
- MysqlErrorLog - store errors in MySQL (add reference to ElmahCore.MySql)
- PgsqlErrorLog - store errors in PostgreSQL (add reference to ElmahCore.Postgresql)
services.AddElmah<XmlFileErrorLog>(options =>
options.LogPath = "~/log"; // OR options.LogPath = "с:\errors";
services.AddElmah<SqlErrorLog>(options =>
options.ConnectionString = "connection_string";
options.SqlServerDatabaseSchemaName = "Errors"; //Defaults to dbo if not set
options.SqlServerDatabaseTableName = "ElmahError"; //Defaults to ELMAH_Error if not set
public IActionResult Test()
HttpContext.RaiseError(new InvalidOperationException("Test"));
Since version 2.0 ElmahCore support Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
Since version 2.0.1 ElmahCore support source preview. Just add paths to source files.
services.AddElmah(options =>
options.SourcePaths = new []
Since version 2.0.5 ElmahCore can log the request body.
Since version 2.0.6 ElmahCore can log the SQL request body.
Since version 2.0.6 ElmahCore can log method parameters.
using ElmahCore;
public void TestMethod(string p1, int p2)
// Logging method parameters
this.LogParams((nameof(p1), p1), (nameof(p2), p2));
You can replace UseDeveloperExceptionPage to UseElmahExceptionPage
if (env.IsDevelopment())
You can create your own notifiers by implement IErrorNotifier or IErrorNotifierWithId interface and add notifier to Elmah options:
services.AddElmah<XmlFileErrorLog>(options =>
options.Path = @"errors";
options.LogPath = "~/logs";
options.Notifiers.Add(new ErrorMailNotifier("Email",emailOptions));
Each notifier must have unique name.
You can use Elmah XML filter configuration in separate file, create and add custom filters:
services.AddElmah<XmlFileErrorLog>(options =>
options.FiltersConfig = "elmah.xml";
options.Filters.Add(new MyFilter());
Custom filter must implement IErrorFilter. XML filter config example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<notifier name="Email"/>
<greater binding="HttpStatusCode" value="399" type="Int32" />
<lesser binding="HttpStatusCode" value="500" type="Int32" />
see more here
JavaScript filters not yet impemented :(
Add notifiers to errorFilter node if you do not want to send notifications Filtered errors will be logged, but will not be sent.
Since version 2.2.0 tou can use full-text search and multiple filter.
Full-text search work on analyzed text fields.
Filters are available through either the Add filter button.
Or you can use filter icon to the right of the error field.
Currently supports only Memory and XmlFile error logs.