This projectis an accessible & responsive clone of the DuckDuckGo home page. It is done on writing accessible HTML including correct Semantic HTML and ARIA. This project has been developed using the development strategy concept with one branch and one issue per step. It is a wy to practice git workflow skills working collaboratively.
- This project is a simple way to practice incremental development using git, github, html and css and Flexbox.
- The purpose is to use Git Workflow for Two for more practicing.
- For absolute beginner .
- Consist of header, search engine, features section and footer.
This project use w3-validation-template
- CSS3
- Git & Github
There are several ways to run this run this project. one of them is to install Live Server extension in VS Code.
Examples of usage:
<section class="search-field">
List of features :
- Responsive
- Accessible
- Applying Incremental Development
- Flexible
To-do list:
- Add more interactivity using javascript
- Improve the performance
Project is: in the UAT phase
Project inspired by HYF
Created by @yared,@yildiray,@eltayeb - feel free to contact us!