This directory includes the scripts and parameters used in [1] for analyzing and cross comparing the galaxy centers of NGC3351, NGC3627, and NGC4321. Most of the scripts are adaped from those in ../multiline-ngc3351, as the modeling approach is similar to that in [2].
This document lists the general workflow and explains the usage of each script. For detailed instructions on setting up the model and environment, please check the README file in ../multiline-ngc3351. The information (steps 1-4 in particular) here also applies to the scripts in ../multiline-ngc3351.
- return model grids of line integrated intensity (and ratio) for all six lines (more details here)
- convert all intensity model grids to 5D and then add the 6th dimension (beam-filling factor)
- extract a specified parameter output (other than intensity; e.g. tau, Tex) from RADEX and return the corresponding 6D model grids
- calculate the best-fit (minimum chi^2) solution for a given pixel
- generate and save a plot that shows how the solution is constrained by all the observed line intensities (e.g., Figure 6 in [1])
- save a grid with chi^2 values that will be loaded into
- print the minimum chi^2 value and best-fit solution
- calculate the marginalized probability distribution functions (PDFs) for all the modeled parameters for a given pixel (e.g., Figure 7 in [1])
- generate and save a corner plot showing 1D and 2D likelihood distributions
- optional settings: overplot vertical lines showing bestfit/1DMax solutions
For indirectly modeled parameters such as CO-to-H2 factor (alpha_CO) and optical depth, the 1D PDFs at a designated pixel can be generated using,, and
- calculate the 12m-only/12m+7m+TP flux recovery ratio and returns a mask that excluded regions with lower ratio than the desired threshold
- create all the required masks for S/N cutoff (e.g., > xxx sigma for xxx lines)
- show moment 0 maps of all the lines as in Figures 1 & 2 of [1]
- generate line ratio maps that are properly masked
- define regions based on projected galactocentric radii (while also considering gas morphology and line ratio variations), and create a mask for each defined region
- generate the figure showing each defined region as in Figure 3 of [1]
- return all kinds of statistics within each defined region
- return maps of the solutions for all directly modeled paramters as numpy arrays
- Various options of output map type: 'bestfit', '1dmax', 'median_interp', 'median', and 'mean'.
- 'median_interp' extracts the interpolated value of each parameter that corresponds to the PDF median, while 'median' returns the original value of the discretely sampled input parameter space.
- same as the above, but used for testing the results by inputting various combination of lines (i.e., Section 5.5 in [1])
- show properly masked maps of all directly modeled paramters returned from or (e.g., Figures 8 & 9 in [1])
For indirectly modeled parameters, the pixel-by-pixel maps are generated by e.g.,,
- show scatter plots of both median and 1DMax alpha_CO vs. projected galactocentric radius, color-coded by the defined regions (e.g., Figures 10b & 11b in [1])
- can generate various plots that incorporate all three galaxies. All figures in Section 5 of [1] are generated using this script. There are three options of figure types:
- 'scatter': create scatter plots as in Figures 13a, 14b, 15, 16, 19 of [1]. 'colorcode' can be set to True to colorcode the data points by an additional variable, or set to False to simply colorcode the points by galaxies.
- 'run_med': plot the x-axis binned medians as solid lines and the 25-75th percentile range as shaded areas, as in Figures 12, 14a, 17, 18 of [1]. 'compare_alpha' is set to True to generate Figure 18, which compares our results with past simulation studies.
- bin_2d: create a scatter plot where the data points are colorcoded by another parameter that is 2D-binned (e.g., Figure 13b in [1]). The 2D binning is to bring out more clearly the overall trend of color gradient.
- perform power-law fit to a single or multi-variate function, evaluate the uncertainty of fitting via 1000 times refitting, and calculate the 25/75 percentiles of data scatter with respect to the fit. This script is used to determine Equations 4-6 in [1], which describes alpha_CO as functions of optical depth, temperature, and the observed line width or line ratio.
If you use the script(s) in your study, please cite the following papers:
[1] Teng et al., "The Physical Drivers and Observational Tracers of CO-to-H2 Conversion Factor Variations in Nearby Barred Galaxy Centers", 2023, The Astrophysical Journal (ApJ), 950, 119. [paper]
[2] Teng et al., "Molecular Gas Properties and CO-to-H2 Conversion Factors in the Central Kiloparsec of NGC 3351", 2022, The Astrophysical Journal (ApJ), 925, 72. [paper]
More information on this project can be found in this page.