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EmmyLua for VSCode

QQ交流群:29850775 (最新版本以及部分视频演示在群文件中下载)

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EmmyLua Langauge Server

FAQ (中文 & English)

Q (中文): vscode-emmylua 全家桶还有哪些?
Q (English): Which other extensions are included in the vscode-emmylua suite?
A (中文): EmmyLuaCodeStyle, EmmyLuaUnity
A (English): Install EmmyLuaCodeStyle and EmmyLuaUnity

Q (中文): 为什么附加调试没有作用?
Q (English): Why doesn't attach debugging work?
A (中文): 调试会尝试获取进程中的 Lua 符号,因此需要进程导出 Lua 符号
A (English): The debugger needs Lua symbols from the process, so the process must export them

Q (中文): Emmy New Debug 为什么连不上目标?
Q (English): Why does Emmy New Debug fail to connect?
A (中文): 可能是插入代码 require 失败或返回 true,表明可执行文件未导出 Lua 符号
A (English): Usually the injected require code fails or returns true, indicating missing Lua symbols

Q (中文): 为什么打开项目后会有大量未定义变量警告?
Q (English): Why do many undefined variable warnings appear after opening the project?
A (中文): 未定义的全局变量会触发提示,可在项目根目录创建 .emmyrc.json 并禁用 undefined-global
A (English): Undefined globals trigger warnings; create .emmyrc.json in your project root and disable undefined-global

Q (中文): 我能否在其他平台使用 vscode-emmylua 的代码分析?
Q (English): Can I use vscode-emmylua’s code analysis on other platforms?
A (中文): 可以,它基于 emmylua-analyzer-rust,兼容支持 LSP 的客户端
A (English): Yes, it uses emmylua-analyzer-rust, which is a standard LSP

Q (中文): 为什么不用 VSCode 配置,而是用 .emmyrc.json?
Q (English): Why use .emmyrc.json instead of VSCode settings?
A (中文): 方便在其他平台上使用,无需在每个 IDE 中重复配置
A (English): It works across platforms without extra IDE configuration

Q (中文): 为什么用 Rust 重写语言服务器?放弃.net和java语言服务器 Q (English): Why rewrite the language server in Rust? and abandon the .NET and Java servers? A (中文): 因为我想试试 rust A (English): I want to try rust

Q (中文): 为什么没有文档?
Q (English): Why is there no documentation?
A (中文): 配置文件文档见
A (English): See configuration docs at

FAQ – Debugging (中文 & English)

Remote Debug Setup (中文)

  1. 在 VSCode 中打开 Lua 文件
  2. 插入调试库路径并 require
  3. 在需要断点处添加 dbg.waitIDE(); dbg.breakHere()
  4. 运行外部程序等待连接
  5. 启动 “EmmyLua New Debug” 与目标调试

Remote Debug Setup (English)

  1. Load your Lua file in VSCode
  2. Inject the debugger path and require it
  3. Add dbg.waitIDE(); dbg.breakHere() where you want to break
  4. Run your external program, which waits for a debugger
  5. Launch “EmmyLua New Debug” to connect and debug