— iOS8+ App Store Ready Live Streaming Music App– Ultimate tool that can search every radio station in the world for the song you want to hear. Just type in the song name or artist you want and start listening immediately. Or choose from a list of currently playing songs from your favorite genre. Features and Requirements
Song Finder Search for a song and listen to it right now. Actively searchs over 90,000 (AM/FM/Internet) stations and finding out what they?re playing in real-time. Tell your personal music app what you want to hear, and it’ll find the station that’s playing the song right now. No more waiting for your favorite song to come on. All Local AM/FM Radio Stations Will give you all of your local AM/FM radio stations as well as the ones slightly further away from your radio’s reception reach all in high quality. You can even enter another town’s zip code to get stations playing in another city. Listen to Today’s Most Played Songs Will also list the most played songs over the last 48 hours on radio, and then let you listen to them instantly. Lists the top songs by genre, so there’s something for everyone. Station’s Song History Lets you see all the songs you just listened to, so you can listen to them again at anytime. You can even see what was playing in the past few hours on any station and be able to start listening to any of those songs listed. It’s almost like rewinding a radio station. Smart Favorites You can save the song, artist or station as part of your favorites, so you can always get to what you want with just one tap. We also keep track of your song history for you, so you can always find that song that you just heard but forgot to add to your favorites. Find Stations Similar to Your Favorite If you have a favorite AM/FM radio station, can help you find similar ones from around the world. The great thing is that you don’t have to be near them to listen to them. Connects you to them through the internet. And since it’s only audio, it will use less bandwidth than listening to a song on a video website. It also doesn’t have to do all that buffering that a video website would have to do. The songs play almost instantly. Discover New Stations Now you can find stations that are playing music that you otherwise wouldn’t find in your car stereo system. For example, perhaps you like K-Pop, Anime, or Cinematic music. Perhaps you want a station that only plays Eminem songs. We have that for you! Radio Talk Shows and Sports Shows No matter if you’re looking for Glenn Beck, Alex Jones, Rush Limbaugh, Rachel Maddow, ESPN, or NPR; will find a station for you that’s playing their talk show. Want to listen in on the latest game? Will help you find a station that’s broadcasting it live. How to Setup and Reskin
App Store Ready App is simple to redesign, reskin and launch.Designed with developers in mind – we made it as quick as easy as possible to go from buying to making money on the app store. – Designed Completely in Objective C – Open “Uberstations xcWorkspace” file to open in Xcode – Add your app icons – Background images – # with www.applovin.com— – Go to “info” section of Xcode and add your “Applovinsdk” Key – Go to “info” section of Xcode and add Your app name in “Bundle Name” Area – Make sure you create your certificates to upload the App into iTunes Connect!
Uberstations API
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