Release 0.2
0.2 Release available!
What's new:
- Mouse Manipulator - a mouse control class.
- Keyboard Manipulator - a keyboard control class.
- Fixed minor bugs
KeyboardManipulator - a keyboard control class is created to emulate pressing buttons, as well as disabling them.
- Press - emulates pressing any key on the keyboard.:
- Prevent - prohibits pressing the specified button:
- Release - releases the button from the user ban using the 'Prevent' method:
You can also use the ReleaseAll() method:
Important! Locked buttons are shared among all KeyboardManipulator classes. You don't have to worry that an object in this class has locked a particular button and you no longer have access to that object.
For example:
var first = new KeyboardManipulator();
var second = new KeyboardManipulator();
first.LockedKeys // Key.A, Key.B
second.LockedKeys // Key.A, Key.B
Also, several events are available: KeyPrevented and KeyReleased. They are only triggered by a successful operation. For example, if a button is locked several times, the KeyPrevented event will be triggered only once.
Mouse Manipulator - a mouse control class.
- Click - presses a specified button at specified coordinates.
mouseManipulator.Click(500, 500, MouseButton.Left); // the left mouse button will be pressed at the coordinates: x: 500, y:500
- Prevent / Release - are made similar to the Keyboard Manipulator