- see "Class Diagram.png" for an overview of the program.
- see this video for a short example of the program running: https://streamable.com/zm6jyp
- this project is made up of 4871 total lines, of which 3269 are lines of code.
make sure your computer has java 17 runtime (or later) installed (guide).
installation instructions:
- download the latest jar file from the releases page
- on linux computers: right-click on the file, click properties, click on the permissions tab, and make sure "is executable" is selected.
- open a terminal and cd to the location of the file. (on Windows you can click on the file path in the explorer then type cmd and press enter)
- then enter the command:
java -jar Chess.jar
this program is an implementation of chess with:
- possibility of playing local multiplayer or against ai.
- choose which side you want to play as against the ai.
- an AI that uses minimax with alpha beta pruning.
- possibility of resizing the screen.
- possibility of creating a new game after the old one is over.
- possibility of undoing moves.
- choose how many minutes the clock will start with, and number of seconds that will be added to the clock after a move.
- display all possible moves for a selected piece.
- text and image buttons that can execute arbitrary lambda functions when clicked.
I use GraphicHelperMethods.java written by Torstein Strømme, which is code i imported from semsteroppgave 1.
The chess pieces are public domain CC0 that i modified with a white outline.