This script allows you to forward messages from one Telegram channel to another. It supports forwarding text messages, photos, videos, and documents using the Pyrogram library to interact with the Telegram API.
- Forwards text messages, photos, videos, and documents.
- Supports both private and public channels.
- Implements rate limiting to prevent flooding.
- Python 3.7 or higher
- Pyrogram$
- TgCrypto (for better performance)
- Clone the repository:
git clone cd telegram-message-forwarder
- Create virtual environment*
python -m venv venv source venv/bin/activate # On Windows use `venv\Scripts\activate`
- Install the required libraries
pip install pyrogram tgcrypto tqdm
- Add Your Credentials
api_id = 'YOUR_API_ID' # Replace with your actual API ID api_hash = 'YOUR_API_HASH' # Replace with your actual API Hash phone_number = 'YOUR_PHONE' # Your phone number linked to the Telegram account-international format source_channel = 'SOURCE_CHANNEL' # Replace with your source channel destination_channel = 'DEST_CHANNEL' # Replace with your destination channel
- Run the script