- Forestry (
- Bee breeding and products as recipes (optionally includes secret mutations too)
- Can show special mutation requirements (biome, temperature, etc.)
- Tree breeding and products
- Supports bees added by other mods (Thaumic Bees, Extra Bees, etc.)
- Adds all bees, combs, saplings and pollen types to NEI search
- Adds item subsets for NEI menu for bees, saplings, combs, pollen, etc. if NEIPlugins is not installed
- [?] button support for the Worktable (requires or newer)
- Extra Bees
- Adds all serums to NEI search
- Adds item subsets for NEI menu for all items
- Isolator recipes - shows what bees can be used to get any serum
- Applied Energistics
- [?] button support for the Pattern Encoder
- Ability to create patterns directly from recipes, even if you don't have the items on you
- Misc Peripherals
- [?] button support for the Computer Controlled Crafter
- Can set the recipe even if you don't have the items on you
- Various crafting tables - adds [?] button support for alternate crafting tables from many mods
- BuildCraft Autocrafting Table
- Equivalent Exchange 3 Minium Stone
- Andrew2448's addon for MachineMuse's Modular Powersuits In-Place Assembler
- Tinkers' Construct Crafting station
###v1.9.4 - Released 25/12/2013
- Fixed crash with EB Serums that don't have NBT data
###v1.9.3 - Released 10/11/2013
- Fixed potential crash with NEI item subsets (those affected might need to manually clean NEISubset.cfg to take effect)
###v1.9.2 - Released 29/09/2013
- Workaround for NEI not showing items with NBT data outside cheat mode. See http://bit.ly/1aaP3wQ for details.
###v1.9.1 - Released 14/09/2013
- Added [?] button support for Forestry - Worktable
- Requires Forestry or newer
- Added [?] button support for Tinkers' Construct - Crafting station
- Added manual recipe transfer for special crafting tables (Worktable, Pattern Encoder, CCC) so shift+click will work without server side mod
###v1.9.0 - Released 17/08/2013
- Updated to Minecraft 1.6.2
###v1.8.2 - Released 29/07/2013
- Added mutation requirements display (Mouse over the chance percentage when it's red)
###v1.8.1 - Released 03/07/2013
- Added option to disable various mutation/products display
- Product stacks will be merged to prevent ExtraTrees crazyness
- Removed workbench backpacks [?] support, it was added in the mod itself
###v1.8.0 - Released 20/06/2013
- Updated to Forestry API 2.2.8.x (should still work with 2.2.6.x)
- Updated to Extra Bees 1.6-pre15 (incompatible with earlier versions)
- Hidden combs from Extra/Magic Bees will be registered in NEI if "Add Combs to Search"
- Added Butterfly preliminary mutations display
###v1.7.2 - Released 14/06/2013
- Fixed MagicBees class names / modid (forestry combs subset)
- Build against forge (required by changes in NEI)
###v1.7.1 - Released 01/06/2013
- Fixed Extra Bees addon incorrectly trying to work with older versions of forestry ( required)
- Fixed Extra Bees addon not loading if errors happen when dumping serums list
###v1.7 - Released 30/05/2013
- Updated for Forestry, will not work with earlier versions
- Added module for Misc Peripherals
- Can change the recipe in a Computer Controlled Crafter directly from NEI
- Added [?] button support for Backpacks mod Workbench Backpacks
- Added item subsets for Extra Bees (everything)
- Added item subsets for Forestry bees, saplings, etc. - only if NEIPlugins is not installed
###v1.6.1 - Released 29/05/2013
- Fixed various weird NPE crashes in Forestry Addon
###v1.6 - Released 25/05/2013
- Added module for Extra Bees
- Adds all serums to NEI search
- Isolator recipes - shows what bees can be used to get any serum
- Forestry tree breeding and products
- Added module for various crafting tables
- EE3 Minium Stone, BC Autocrafting Table, MPSA In-Place Assembler
- Performance improvements
- Slowdowns in unrelated item lookups should be severely reduced, this will be more noticeable with many added bees from addons
###1.5 - Released 21/05/2013
- Updated for forestry
- Added version checking, so it won't crash with older versions
###1.4 - Released 20/05/2013
- Mod renamed
- Added AE and EE3 addons
- Added option to register all combs with NEI
- Config file renamed, old config will be ignored, sorry
###1.3 - Released 18/05/2013
- Added NEIPlugins support (thanks mistaqur)
###1.2 - Released 11/05/2013
- Added all bees to the NEI search list
###1.1 - Released 10/05/2013
- Fixed crash on bees that don't produce anything
###1.0 - Released 10/05/2013
- Initial public release
This mod is distributed under the terms of the Minecraft Mod Public License 1.0, or MMPL.
Please check the contents of the license located in https://raw.github.com/bdew/neiaddons/master/MMPL-1.0.txt