XcessCITY is an innovative mobile application meticulously crafted to foster connections among Selangor citizens while enhancing their quality of life. Conceptualized as part of the Sustainable Smart City Hackathon by Taylor's Makerspace, this application is a testament to our commitment to crafting ingenious solutions for advancing smart urban environments.
XcessCITY is a pioneering mobile application meticulously designed to bridge the digital gap among Selangor's citizens in this era of escalating smart cities worldwide. Our primary objective is to furnish a holistic solution, facilitating connections among Selangor's residents and contributing to the establishment of a smarter, safer, and more resilient Selangor.
XcessCITY offers a range of features to achieve this mission. Our cutting-edge live pothole detection feature ensures safer journeys for drivers in Selangor and contributes to the overall road infrastructure improvement. Simultaneously, the community forum creates a dynamic space for citizens to connect, share experiences, and exchange local news, fostering a sense of unity. Additionally, the discovery function enables users to explore nearby attractions, events, essential services, and trending activities, enhancing their daily lives and contributing to the city's vibrancy.
The technological foundation of XcessCITY is equally robust, utilizing Flutter for seamless front-end development and Cloud Firestore for a sturdy back-end architecture. Through strategic integration of APIs and external libraries, we enhance the user experience while optimizing costs. The application further harnesses the potential of machine learning by incorporating TensorFlow Lite, which seamlessly integrates with the live pothole detection feature, exemplifying our commitment to innovative solutions.
- Download the source code folder and unzip
- Open the source code folder on your preferred IDE (Visual Studio Code Recommended)
- Run the source code on any physical/virtual device, online documentation
- Start navigating and using the application's features.
- Comprehensive Live Pothole Detection
- Pothole Mapping
- Discover Nearby Attraction and Services
- Community and Forum
- Seamless Sign-Up / Login With Firebase Authentication
External Packages and Dependencies:
- Cupertino Icons - Version: ^1.0.2
- Firebase Core - Version: ^2.15.0
- Google Maps Flutter - Version: ^2.4.0
- Geolocator - Version: ^8.2.1
- Image - Version: ^3.2.2
- Cloud Firestore - Version: ^4.8.4
- Toggle Switch - Version: ^2.1.0
- Flutter Switch - Version: ^0.3.2
- Firebase Auth - Version: ^4.7.2
- Smooth Page Indicator - Version: ^1.1.0
- Auto Size Text - Version: ^3.0.0
- Dropdown Button 2 - Version: ^2.3.7
- Google # - Version: ^6.1.4
- Provider - Version: ^6.0.5
- Get - Version: ^4.6.5
- Permission Handler - Version: ^10.4.3
- Mailer - Version: ^6.0.1
- HTTP - Version: ^1.1.0
- Camera - Version: ^0.8.1+3
- Firebase Storage - Version: ^11.2.5
- Image Picker - Version: ^0.8.6
- Geocoding - Version: ^2.1.0
- Flutter TFLite - Version: ^1.0.1
- TFLite Flutter - Version: ^0.9.0
- TFLite Flutter Helper - Version: Reference
- Percent Indicator - Version: ^4.2.3