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Streamlines the transition from MonoBehaviour to DOTS in an extremely simple, modular and efficient way.


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This repository has been created for help to streamline the transition from MonoBehaviour to DOTS in a simple and modular way
making the ECS Hybridation much easer for the developer who works with Monobehaviours
and giving in this way a better performance and architecture to your MonoBehaviour based projects.

As i have a slight level of dyslextia, im sory before hand for any typo you may find, feel free to contribute fixing them if you find any!

Table Of Contents


  • Usually the terms ECS and DOTS are confusing for new developers
    or for experienced ones with a strong OOP mindset

  • Other developers know about ECS and DOTS but are not sure how to port their projects

  • There are also large projects that would be a nightmare to port to ECS, and let alone DOTS.

This project has been created to solve most of these problems
by focusing on offering a much smoother and faster workflow to work with Monobehaviours and entities at the same time in a hybrid way.


A few features have been made to avoid the sometimes excesive code quantity needed to work with ECS and conversions, among others, the most important are:

  • Custom Entity Injector

    • Enables easier and more modular way to inject custom converted entities from a GameObject
  • Entity extensions

    • Making it much easier to do operations on entities, such as add components and so
  • Easier Component Conversion

    • Forget the entity conversion from unity and use way much less code making it faster to create ComponentDatas for attaching them to a GameObject
  • Easy entity referencing

    • Make an entity be referenced by other entities by creating automatic entity dynamic buffers from inspector
  • Easy System Injection

    • Offers a super-duper easy way to create a system with custom depencences, for example a scriptable object that you can configute on the fly while system runs



Window > Package Manager > + > Add package from git URL... > com.squirrelbytes.ezs

if that doesnt works then...

Window > Package Manager > + > Add package from git URL... >


There is one more thing to do!

Now just need to configure the script Execution order and put "HybridEZS.EntityInjector" just over default
Its easy too just follow the next image

Apply the changes and wait a few seconds and...

Its ready to use!

Basic Usage

Once everything is ready to start using the EZS Hybrid workflow, you might want to start using it, otherwise I don't know what you're doing here!

Lets start with a basic example!

The EZ Cube

GIF 05-05-2021 23-24-36

I know is the best thing you have seen ever but lets get to the point!

What we have here is a Cube with a "CoolMovement" Script attached

Here we have some variables here that makes our cube move like this

Current Oscilation Time:
Its a number that changes a lot

Oscilation Speed:
How fast it moves

Oscilation Amplitude Multiplier:
How far it moves

Rotation Speed:
How quickly he starts to get dizzy

And this script is a MonoBehaviour using a fantastic and wonderful super fast Update [I'm being sarcastic, of course].

public class CoolMovement : MonoBehaviour
	public float currentOscilationTime;
	public float oscilationSpeed;
	public float oscilationAmplitude;
	public float rotationSpeed;

	void Update()
		currentOscilationTime += oscilationSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
		transform.position = new Vector3(0, Mathf.Sin(currentOscilationTime) * oscilationAmplitude, 0);
		transform.rotation *= Quaternion.Euler(0, rotationSpeed * Time.deltaTime, 0);

Ok so lets make this MonoBehaviour use a System instead, shall we?

public class CoolMovement : MonoBehaviour
	public float currentOscilationTime;
	public float oscilationSpeed;
	public float oscilationAmplitude;
	public float rotationSpeed;

	public void DoUpdate() //Changed the name
		currentOscilationTime += oscilationSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
		transform.position = new Vector3(0, Mathf.Sin(currentOscilationTime) * oscilationAmplitude, 0);
		transform.rotation *= Quaternion.Euler(0, rotationSpeed * Time.deltaTime, 0);

public class CoolMovementSystem : SystemBase
	protected override void OnUpdate()
			.ForEach((CoolMovement coolMovement) => coolMovement.DoUpdate())
			.WithoutBurst()  //Because MonoBehaviours can not be Bursted
			.Run(); //To run in main thread 

Ok done! :D

We just changed the "Update" for "DoUpdate" so we dont use the Unity one.

If we hit play right now it will not work
Because the Entities.ForEach just work on entities with "CoolMovement" But... we have not entities yet...

Here comes the Entity Injector to the rescue!

Injecting an Entity

This is the main component that defines the workflow!

As you see it has 3 lists, each one is for different purpouses that will be explained easier a little bit later in other section
but for now just Drag N Drop the CoolMovement Component to the EntityInjector in this way:

Congratulations you have added a monobehaviour to your future entity.

You can press play, enjoy your spinning cube, sell the game and get rich!

But wait there is more...

What about moving finally to DOTS?

We have been using this component just to make an entity having this monobehaviour attached as component, so we can query it in systems, is for that it works now just hybridizing the game will give you a little bit of performance, depending on the "Update" usage you have in your game
but most of the times the performance gain is not so heavy, unless you start using it correctly.

So this is not the end, now the next step is to segregate the data and disintegrate the OnUpdate bit a bit until all the logic is inside the system and the references are components of the gameobject to conver them easily to data.

I will be doing that transition later so you can see how easy it is.

Lets take apart this section to start with something more technical and a little more advanced usages on this component.

Entity Injector


This is the Entity injector monobehaviour component Itrs preatty easy, it just injects an entity with the things added to the lists.

Each list is for different kind of components, it has:

You can put here ANYTHING you want and the generated entity will just have it.

Autoring Data:
This lists is mainly to attach custom IComponentData to entities from the AutoringComponent who are added to the list (We will talk about this in an easier way in the next section).

Entity Injectors
Here you can reference more entity inyectors, in this way, the injected entity will index("have") also a EntityBuffer (We will talk about this in an easier way in a later section).

Blob Assets: (Soon)



Streamlines the transition from MonoBehaviour to DOTS in an extremely simple, modular and efficient way.








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