- 🔭 Currently studying Data Science and Artificial Intelligence at the Applied Mathematics School of FGV RJ
- 🌱 Passionate about discovering methods and visualizations to transform information into knowledge
- 💻 Proficient in C++, Python, SQL, Excel, JavaScript, d3 and PowerBI
- 📫 Contact me at email: fabriciodalviventurim@gmail.com
📊 Data Visualization: I am passionate about creating visualizations that help to communicate complex data insights in a simple and intuitive way. I have experience with tools such as PowerBi, Tableau, matplotlib, and seaborn and I am always eager to learn new techniques and best practices in the field.
🤖 Machine Learning: As a Data Science enthusiast, I am always fascinated by the potential of Machine Learning to extract valuable insights from data. I have experience with supervised and unsupervised learning techniques. I am always looking to improve my knowledge and skills in this exciting field.