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Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main'
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FaeyUmbrea committed Sep 8, 2024
2 parents 9cd98b5 + 3d3054c commit 7d363ec
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Showing 5 changed files with 82 additions and 82 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion public/languages/de_DE.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
"preRollImage": "Vor-Würfel Bild",
"rollImage": "Würfel Bild",
"postRollImage": "Nach-Würfel Bild",
"imageUrl": "Bild Url",
"imageUrl": "Bild URL",
"foregroundImageUrl": "Vordergrundbild URL",
"backgroundImageUrl": "Hintergrundbild URL",
"delay": "Verzögerung (ms)",
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions public/languages/en.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
"preRollImage": "Pre Roll Image",
"rollImage": "Roll Image",
"postRollImage": "Post Roll Image",
"imageUrl": "Image Url",
"imageUrl": "Image URL",
"foregroundImageUrl": "Foreground Image URL",
"backgroundImageUrl": "Background Image URL",
"delay": "Delay (ms)",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -251,7 +251,7 @@
"diceSoNiceOverlayHeight": {
"Name": "Dice so Nice Overlay Height",
"Hint": "Width of the element in pixels"
"Hint": "Height of the element in pixels"
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion public/languages/ja.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
"backgroundImageUrl": "Background Image URL",
"name": "Roll Overlay Editor",
"preRollImage": "Pre Roll Image",
"imageUrl": "Image Url",
"imageUrl": "Image URL",
"foregroundImageUrl": "Foreground Image URL",
"rollImage": "Roll Image",
"test": "Test",
Expand Down
154 changes: 77 additions & 77 deletions public/languages/nb_NO.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,118 +2,118 @@
"obs-utils": {
"strings": {
"ic": {
"name": "In Combat",
"birdseye": "Fit Map to Screen",
"trackAll": "Track all Owned Tokens",
"name": "I kamp",
"birdseye": "Strekk kartet til skjermkantene",
"trackAll": "Hold øye med alle eide symboler",
"cloneTurnPlayer": "Clone the Turn Player's Viewport",
"clonePlayer": "Clone the Selected Player's Viewport",
"clonePlayer": "Klon valgt spillers synsfelt",
"cloneDM": "Clone the DM's Viewport",
"trackOne": "Track the currently active Owned Token"
"trackOne": "Hold øye med det aktive symbolet som er i ditt eie nå"
"done": "Done",
"false": "False",
"true": "True",
"done": "Ferdig",
"false": "Usant",
"true": "Sant",
"missingTypeNotice": "Legacy/Missing Type. Please select a new type in the dropdown to edit.",
"keypressInfo2": "Mode to ",
"keypressInfo2": "Modus til ",
"keypressInfo1": "Switched ",
"iconPlaceholder": "Icon",
"iconPlaceholder": "Ikon",
"limitCanvas": "Limit Canvas to Screen Edges",
"ooc": {
"trackManual": "Track a manual List of Tokens",
"trackManual": "Hold øye med en manuell liste over symboler",
"cloneDM": "Clone the DM's Viewport",
"trackAll": "Track all Owned Tokens",
"name": "Out of Combat",
"clonePlayer": "Clone the Selected Player's Viewport",
"birdseye": "Fit Map to Screen"
"trackAll": "Hold øye med alle eide symboler",
"name": "Ute av kamp",
"clonePlayer": "Klon valgt spillers synsfelt",
"birdseye": "Strekk kartet til skjermkantene"
"avInputPlaceholder": "Enter text or search",
"module": "OBS Utils"
"avInputPlaceholder": "Skriv inn tekst eller søk",
"module": "OBS-verktøy"
"applications": {
"rollOverlayEditor": {
"name": "Roll Overlay Editor",
"backgroundImageUrl": "Background Image URL",
"backgroundImageUrl": "Nettadresse for bakgrunnsbilde",
"preRollImage": "Pre Roll Image",
"imageUrl": "Image Url",
"foregroundImageUrl": "Foreground Image URL",
"imageUrl": "Bildenettadresse",
"foregroundImageUrl": "Nettadresse for forgrunnsbilde",
"rollImage": "Roll Image",
"test": "Test",
"fadeOut": "Fade Out (ms)",
"fadeOut": "Uttoning (ms)",
"postRollImage": "Post Roll Image",
"duration": "Duration (ms)",
"fadeIn": "Fade In (ms)",
"delay": "Delay (ms)"
"duration": "Varighet (ms)",
"fadeIn": "Inntoning (ms)",
"delay": "Forsinkelse (ms)"
"overlayEditor": {
"importDialog": {
"replaceButton": "Replace",
"replaceButton": "Erstatt",
"hint2": "Please choose if you want to replace your existing overlays or add the imported list.",
"cancelButton": "Cancel",
"cancelButton": "Avbryt",
"formatError": "Imported file is not an OBS Utils Overlay Export",
"hint1": "You are about to import an exported Overlay configuration. Please ensure that it was exported in the same system or AV Overlays may not work.",
"appendButton": "Append",
"appendButton": "Føy til",
"title": "Import Data: Overlays",
"fileError": "You did not upload a data file",
"versionError": "Version unsupported"
"fileError": "Du lastet ikke opp en datafil",
"versionError": "Ustøttet versjon"
"importButton": "Import",
"importButton": "Importer",
"exportDialog": {
"content": "Do you want to export your Overlay Settings?",
"noButton": "No",
"title": "Export your settings?",
"yesButton": "Yes"
"noButton": "Nei",
"title": "Eksporter innstillingene dine?",
"yesButton": "Ja"
"closeButton": "Close",
"removeComponentButton": "Remove Component",
"closeButton": "Lukk",
"removeComponentButton": "Fjern komponent",
"name": "Overlay Editor",
"removeButton": "Remove Overlay",
"addButton": "Add New Component",
"editStyleButton": "Edit Style",
"addButton": "Legg til ny komponent",
"editStyleButton": "Rediger stil",
"addOverlayButton": "Add New Overlay",
"exportButton": "Export"
"exportButton": "Eksporter"
"director": {
"oocTypeHeader": "Out of Combat Type",
"canvasOptionsHeader": "Canvas Options",
"trackedPlayerHeader": "Tracked Player",
"trackedPlayerHeader": "Spiller under oppsyn",
"name": "Director",
"icTypeHeader": "In Combat Type"
"actorSelect": {
"resetButton": "Reset",
"resetButton": "Tilbakestill",
"name": "Actor Selection",
"closeButton": "Close",
"searchPlaceholder": "Search"
"closeButton": "Lukk",
"searchPlaceholder": "Søk"
"obsWebsocket": {
"portLabel": "Port",
"name": "OBS Websocket Settings",
"passwordLabel": "Password",
"syncButton": "Sync",
"saveButton": "Save",
"passwordLabel": "Passord",
"syncButton": "Synkroniser",
"saveButton": "Lagre",
"syncLabel": "Sync Target Client",
"urlLabel": "URL"
"urlLabel": "Nettadresse"
"obsRemote": {
"vttSceneLabel": "VTT Scene Name",
"sourceName": "OBS Source Name",
"sourceName": "OBS-kildenavn",
"name": "OBS Remote Settings",
"disableSource": "Disable Source",
"onCombatEnd": "Combat End",
"switchScene": "Switch Scene",
"enableSource": "Enable Source",
"onLoad": "Load",
"onCombatStart": "Combat Start",
"sceneName": "Scene Name",
"disableSource": "Skru av kilde",
"onCombatEnd": "Kampslutt",
"switchScene": "Bytt scene",
"enableSource": "Skru på kilde",
"onLoad": "Last inn",
"onCombatStart": "Kampstart",
"sceneName": "Scenenavn",
"vttScenePlaceholder": "Input name or drop a scene here",
"onPause": "Pause",
"onUnpause": "Unpause",
"onStopStreaming": "Stop Streaming",
"toggleSource": "Toggle Source",
"onSceneLoad": "Scene Load"
"onStopStreaming": "Stopp strømming",
"toggleSource": "Veksle kilde",
"onSceneLoad": "Sceneinnlasting"
"styleEditor": {
"submitButton": "Submit",
"submitButton": "Send inn",
"name": "Style Editor"
Expand All @@ -132,16 +132,16 @@
"enableOBSWebsocket": {
"Hint": "If checked, OBS Websocket will be used for Remoting",
"Name": "Enable OBS Websocket?"
"Name": "Skru på OBS-websocket?"
"diceSoNiceOverlayWidth": {
"Hint": "Width of the element in pixels",
"Hint": "Antall pikslers bredde for elementet",
"Name": "Dice so Nice Overlay Width"
"obsWebsocketMenu": {
"Hint": "Configure OBS Websocket",
"Label": "Open Menu",
"Name": "OBS Websocket Settings"
"Hint": "Sett opp OBS-websocket",
"Label": "Åpne meny",
"Name": "Innstillinger for OBS-websocket"
"obsModeUser": {
"Name": "OBS Mode User (Username)",
Expand All @@ -152,16 +152,16 @@
"Name": "Pop-Up X"
"obsMode": {
"Name": "OBS Mode",
"Name": "OBS-modus",
"Hint": "Sets this browser as the OBS browser. Only enable this if you are not able to use a browser source"
"fixedPopupHeight": {
"Hint": "The height of the pop-up in pixels",
"Name": "Pop-Up Height"
"Hint": "Antall pikslers høyde for oppsprett",
"Name": "Oppsprettshøyde"
"showKeybindingPopup": {
"Hint": "If checked, using a keyboard shortcut will show a notification what mode was selected",
"Name": "Show Keybinding Notification"
"Name": "Vis tastetilknytningsmerknad"
"fixedPopupY": {
"Name": "Pop-Up Y",
Expand All @@ -182,7 +182,7 @@
"Label": "Open Editor"
"overlayActorSelect": {
"Label": "Open Menu",
"Label": "Åpne meny",
"Name": "Overlay Actors",
"Hint": "Select the Actors for the Overlay"
Expand All @@ -192,7 +192,7 @@
"diceSoNiceOverlayHeight": {
"Name": "Dice so Nice Overlay Height",
"Hint": "Width of the element in pixels"
"Hint": "Antall pikslers bredde for elementet"
"showAV": {
"Hint": "If enabled, the Audio/Video Chat UI will be visible on OBS (might require reload in OBS)",
Expand All @@ -203,13 +203,13 @@
"Name": "Use Fixed Pop-Ups"
"defaultInCombat": {
"Name": "In Combat Mode",
"Name": "I kampmodus",
"Hint": "The in Combat Camera Mode"
"obsRemoteMenu": {
"Name": "OBS Remote Settings",
"Hint": "Configure the OBS Remote",
"Label": "Open Menu"
"Label": "Åpne meny"
"defaultOutOfCombat": {
"Hint": "The out of Combat Camera Mode",
Expand All @@ -220,8 +220,8 @@
"Hint": "This will turn off the OBS features for all clients, regardless of method"
"fixedPopupWidth": {
"Hint": "The width of the pop-up in pixels",
"Name": "Pop-Up Width"
"Hint": "Antall pikslers bredde for oppsprett",
"Name": "Oppsprettsbredde"
"showUserConfig": {
"Name": "Allow User-Config to Render?",
Expand All @@ -230,16 +230,16 @@
"overlays": {
"fontAwesomeIcon": {
"name": "Font Awesome Icon"
"name": "Font Awesome-ikon"
"booleanAVImage": {
"name": "Boolean AV Image"
"plainText": {
"name": "Plain Text"
"name": "Klartekst"
"image": {
"name": "Image"
"name": "Bilde"
"multiImageAV": {
"name": "Multi Image AV"
Expand All @@ -248,7 +248,7 @@
"name": "Multi Icon AV"
"progressBar": {
"name": "Progress Bar"
"name": "Framdriftsindikator"
"booleanAVIcon": {
"name": "Boolean AV Icon"
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion public/languages/pt_BR.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -251,7 +251,7 @@
"diceSoNiceOverlayHeight": {
"Name": "Altura Sobreposição Dice so Nice",
"Hint": "Altura do elemento, em pixels."
"Hint": "Altura do elemento, em pixels"
Expand Down

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