I am a Front-End Web Developer. Self-taught, and I've honed my skills through hands-on experience. My toolkit includes HTML, CSS and JavaScript, along with modern frameworks and libraries like React and Next.js, sass and typescript. What sets me apart is my dedication to learning and improving with each project. I believe in writing clean, and efficient code ensuring that every website I create is not only functional but also user-friendly.* 🌍 I'm based in Kuwait* 🖥️ See my portfolio at MyProtfolio* ✉️ You can contact me at faishaljaffar@gmail.com* 🧠 I'm learning C#* 🤝 I'm open to collaborating on Open source projects* ⚡ I am currently laernig C# and dot net frame work, to integrate front-end features with back-end services seamlessly.
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