In this project I hope to write a small program which can solve (simple) sudokus, and learn about C++
and Object-Oriented Programming in the process.
1. Installing libcwd
- #
apt install autoconf autoconf-archive automake libtool-bin libboost-all-dev
install needed stuff in case you don't have it yet - $
git clone
to download - $
to generate needed files
You might get an error, read it, and apply your new knowledge (you may need to re-run the previous step) - Follow instructions
- $
to compile libcwd - #
make install
install where you want it with (additional) flags/options
2. Installing this project
- $
git clone
to git this project - $
cd sudoku
to go into the new directory - $
to generate needed files - $
mkdir ../sudoku-objdir && cd ../sudoku-objdir
- $
../sudoku/configure --enable-maintainter-mode
to configure the makefile (and other stuff) - $
compile the project
Compiling with G++ 4.9.2
standard: C++14