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A Word Aligner for English

This is a word aligner for English: given two English sentences, it aligns related words in the two sentences. It exploits the semantic and contextual similarities of the words to make alignment decisions.


Initially, this is a fork of ma-sultan/monolingual-word-aligner, the aligner presented in Sultan et al., 2015 that has been very successful in SemEval STS (Semantic Textual Similarity) Task in recent years.

But in 2016, the team UWB (Brychcin and Svoboda, 2016) improves the aligner. They introduce the consideration of IDF weighting in the Jaccard distance formula but without releasing the new source code. And that's why I offer to share, in this repository, an implementation of this improvement.

In the docs/ directory, you can find the papers cited above.

The results of the two different implementations on the SemEval-2016 STS task crosslingual track evaluation data are reported below.

Method News Multi-Src Mean
The initial implementation of ma-sultan 0.89604 0.71850 0.80831
The implementation with IDF weighting 0.90601 0.81447 0.86078

And the results of the two different implementations on the SemEval-2017 STS task Spanish-English crosslingual track evaluation data are reported below.

Method track4a track4b Mean
The initial implementation of ma-sultan 0.66961 0.08250 0.37605
The implementation with IDF weighting 0.76006 0.12447 0.44226

In the semeval_data/ directory, you can find all the necessary data to repeat the tests by yourself. For the 2016 evaluation, there are two sets of data, called news and multisource. For the 2017 evaluation, there are two sets of data, called track4a and track4b. The gold standard (expected scores) for the four sets are also in the directory. You can verify the correlation between the output of the aligner and the related gold standard file with the correlation Perl script as follow:

perl your_output_for_XXX.txt


  1. Python NLTK
  2. The Python wrapper for Stanford CoreNLP

Installation and Usage

  1. Install the above tools.

  2. Change line 107 of, from rel, left, right = map(lambda x: remove_id(x), split_entry) to rel, left, right = split_entry

  3. Install the NLTK stopword corpus and jsonrpclib.

python -m nltk.downloader stopwords
sudo pip install jsonrpclib
  1. Download the aligner.
git clone
  1. Run the script to launch the server:
python stanford-corenlp-python/
  1. Wait the loading of the models, once completed you should see in the terminal:
Loading Models: 5/5                                                                                                                       
INFO:__main__:Serving on
  1. In another terminal, run the script to launch the comparison between the specified files in the source code:


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