Releases: Fiesta4Spectrum/Fiesta_Android
UPDATE: reward showing policy
UPDATE: 30.72 bins/channel now (used to be 30, which is not precise enough)
BUG: wrong msg when empty minerlist received
NEW FEATURE: Now you can try to enable quick training in user interface
BUG FIXED: now show the upload suppression immediately when you open app
UI UPDATE: simplify board states list.
quick training will only train with the latest 5000 records for faster training.
previous version will only trains first 4000 records.
Now we support Android 8 !
Eliminated: x86/x86_64 lib in gradle so the apk is only 400+MB now! (We only support arm devices now)
FIXED: quit when asking for location on android 8
NEW: device name customization at first time opening app
NEW: actively ask for location permission (please enable GPS in location) at first time running serial sampling
v1.01 FIXED: misplaced threadDone flag for http join()