This script allows the user to be alerted when the availability changes over time for the Kimsufi servers.
NOTE A Telegram channel is already set up and it's running this script!
Join now:
The script will run every hour and it will send a message in the channel when the availability changes.
Download FireFox and Gecko
Clone the repository: git clone
Create a file called
with the following structure:
firefox_path = r''
This path will be your gecko executable file, note that you will still need to install firefox to get this running.telegram_token = ''
Fill this value with your Telegram bot API key, you can get this key from theBotFather
telegram_channel = ''
This value is your channel, create one and add your bot inside, example value for this field@kimsufi_alert_channel
Now you need to create a Python virtual environment with python -m venv <directory>
You can now install the dependencies with pip -r install requirements.txt
This script was tested with python 3.7
but it should work for python3+, tested on both Windows & Ubuntu server.
Let's refactor the code and make this a bit prettier! Feel free to send me a pull request :)