The repository containing the dotfiles for my Hyprland daily driver, featuring a Gawr Gura theme.
Category | Application |
Distro | Arch |
WM | Hyprland |
Terminal | kitty |
Shell | fish |
Prompt | Starship |
Editor | VSCode/Neovim |
Browser | Google Chrome |
Music | Spotify |
Bar | Waybar |
Discord | Vencord |
A video can be found here
$ git clone
$ cd dotfiles
$ chmod +x
$ ./
Note that this script is only for Arch based distributions, but feel free to modify it yourself to fit your own setup!
The screen resolution I use is 2240x1400, which means if you use a different one some things might be in the wrong position. Feel free to fork this repository and make your own edits!
For a list of all the keybinds, please refer to my hyprland.conf file. For waybar shortcuts, check out my waybar config.
My dotfiles have been heavily inspired by these, and some are directly modified versions of the original
Since these are my personal dotfiles, I won't be accepting any contributions regarding the actual configuration files. However, feel free to help edit the README or installation script!