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Tags: FirstGearGames/FishNet




- Fixed NetworkBehaviour template paths not working properly for package manager releases (#858, #859).
- Improved debug output on Validate Rpc Lengths.
- Fixed MethodAccessException from codegen failing to change ReplicateDataContainer from Internal to Public.
- Fixed yet another incorrect using being automatically added by Jetbrains rider.



- Fixed Beta SyncList NullReferenceException error (#850).
- Improved List and Dictionary collection readers now take collections from caches first.
- Fixed NetworkTransform setting Rigidbody/2D interpolation to none on owners.
- Fixed server configuring NetworkTransform before there was an owner.
- Added PreciseTick(uint) constructor to generate a PreciseTick with 0 subtick value.
- Fixed ReadPayload data corruption (#855).
- Improved DebugManager inspector.
- Fixed UniversalTickSmoother conditionally providing excessively large adaptive interpolation values.
- Added Reader.ReadStringAllocated.
- Obsoleted Reader.ReadString.
- Added DebugManager Validate Rpc Lengths to verify RPCs potentially corrupting data.
- Added SceneProcessorBase.GetLastLoadedScene.
- Fixed OnStopNetwork incorrectly invoking on clientHost when object despawned for client but not yet on server.
- Added New NetworkBehaviour template menu under Fish-Networking > Configuratoin, thanks Rain1950! (#851).



- Improved ReplicateState changes are now beta and can be toggled via Fish-Networking menu.
- Improved RigidbodyPauser, you can now specify which Rigidbodies to use manually.
- Fixed harmless error in NetworkTickSmoother, null reference exception, when exiting play mode in Unity.
- Fixed ReplicateState.FastContains returning incorrectly.


4.6.1 Release with Review Reminder fix.

- Fixed Network/OfflineTickSmoother detach/reattach settings not working.
- Improved normalized ReadMe file layouts and names.
- Fixed Review Reminder window no longer shows for Virtual Players on Unity 6.



- Fixed memory leak in ObserverConditions when using pooling.
- Fixed memory leak in ObserverConditions when destroying objects as clientHost before client-side deinitialized the object.
- Improved notes on a ReplicateState enum value.
- Improved error logging for SyncTypes.



- Fixed TimeManager.TimePassed negative time comparison (#829).
- Added Transport.GetPacketLoss. Only some transports support this feature.
- Added Tugboat.GetPacketLoss(bool).
- Added Server/ClientAttribute.UseIsStarted to force using IsServer/ClientStarted instead of Initialized.
- Fixed conditional NullReferenceException on clientHost when NetworkObserver deinitialized OnDestroy (#812).
- Renamed SceneManager.MoveClientHostObjects to MoveClientObjects.
- Changed SceneManager.MoveClientObjects now also applies to ClientOnly.
- Fixed NullReferenceExceptions on clientHost when rapidly spawning while changing scenes.
- Improved removed unnecessary logging for clientHost.
- Fixed NetworkObject NullReferenceException during OnDestroy when nested.
- Improved sending reconciles on Channel.Reliable now forces them through regardless if replicates run recently.
- Fixed Unity bug IL2CPP build crash for RPCs in generic classes. This is a limited work-around; for proper resolution use Unity 2022 or higher.
- Fixed OnServerDespawn not invoking via observer builds (thanks gooby!).
- Fixed math on Quaterion.Subtract extension.
- Fixed RigidbodyPauser unpausing to kinematic states when another Pauser made kinematic. This bug mostly affected OfflineRigidbody.
- Fixed invalid read size error when reader deserializers a null list (#837).
- Fixed ChildTransformTickSmoother graphics not moving with target when starting as clientHost then disconnecting client.
- Fixed ChildTransformTickSmoother moving to incorrect values when graphicalObject had an offset and when using adaptive interpolation.
- Fixed replicates not running default data when data was queued but interpolation was not met yet.
- Fixed preferred scenes not being set as active scene when SceneManager.SetActiveScene is false (#838).
- Fixed NetworkManager reference being null on reconcile and replicate readers, resulting in possible errors when reading types dependent on a NetworkManager.
- Fixed harmless NullReferenceException caused by ChildTransformTickSmoother when exiting play/application (#818).
- Fixed harmless Multipass Id not found error in Multipass when subsequentially starting server, client, then stopping server (#828).
- Improved performance slightly while in development mode when clients disconnect.
- Updated Edgegap to 3.0.9.
- Added CharacterController prediction demo, featuring: sprint, jumping, stamina, moving platforms, parenting.
- Added Rigidbody prediction demo, featuring: NetworkTrigger pickup, speed boost, predicting multiple rigidbodies.



- Obsoleted PooledWriter.ResetState in favor of Store/Length.
- Obsoleted PooledReader.ResetState in favor of Store.
- Obsoleted Writer.Reset in favor of Clear.
- Added Writer.Clear.
- Fixed rare chance of writer corruption due to a writer being stored rather than cleared.
- Obsoleted TransformProperties.LocalScale in favor of Scale.
- Added Writer.WriteTransformProperties.
- Added Reader.ReadTransformProperties.
- Removed types no longer used by Mirror in MirrorUpgrade.
- Added BandwidthDisplay.SecondsAveraged to provide better averages over time.
- Added NetworkObject.IsTakingOwnership QOL.
- Added Quaterions.Subtract/Add extensions.
- Changed Beta prediction code moved into stable.
- Added Resettable/RingBuffer.Enqueue.
- Added Resettable/RingBuffer.Dequeue.
- Added Resettable/RingBuffer.TryDequeue.
- Improved ResettableRingBuffer.Add now returns replaced entries.
- Improved ResettableRingBuffer.Add/RemoveRange now have ability to specify resetting replaced or cleared.
- Changed failed predicted spawns are now destroyed on the server rather than optionally pooled. This will be restored at a later date.
- Fixed predicted spawns becoming corrupt on spawner (#815, #801).
- Improved performance slightly on TickNetworkBehaviour when manually changing subscriptions.



- Fixed DistanceCondition.MaximumDistance not applying properly when set at runtime (#809).
- Obsoleted DistanceCondition.MaximumDistance.
- Added DistanceCondition.Get/SetMaximumDistance.
- Fixed predicted spawners not becoming an observer of the object they spawned.
- Fixed internals trying to call prediction methods on NetworkBehaviours when they do not utilize prediction when at least one NetworkBehaviour for the NetworkObject does.
- Fixed SyncTimers finishing immediately on clientsOnly when using timer.Update without arguments. (#807).
- Added TickNetworkBehaviour.SetTickCallbacks to set callbacks at runtime.



- Fixed NetworkObject.OnDestroy not completing due to the object thinking it was not initialized (#803).
- Added scene validity check to method AddConnectionToScene (#805).



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Merge pull request #799 from meowmyau/main

Update SyncList.cs