Pre-built commonly needed gameplay elements, with examples. Developed for Fish-Networking.
GameKit software is sparsely maintained. Pull request are welcome.
* Efficient action serialization.
* Server authoritative with client prediction.
* Expand core types easily.
* Built-in API to easily handle situational changes on most features.
* Basic new/old Unity input key checking.
* FloatingResourceCanvas to easily show dragging icons.
* TooltipCanvas to show tooltips anywhere.
* Splitting canvas to split anything with quantities.
* Offline object pooling, such as for particles.
* Several general extensions and performance API such as RingBuffers and more...
* Categories (eg: Equipped, Food, Scraps).
* Stack limits.
* Maximum limits.
* Display information.
* Obtainable hidden resources such as zone tokens, currency, more.
* More...
* Add, remove bags at runtime.
* Add, remove resources at runtime.
* Move bagged resources for custom layouts.
* Synchronized custom layouts.
* Customizable bags including: size, category, description, more...
* State change callbacks.
* Cross inventory communication (eg: between character inventory to bank inventory).
* Hidden inventory items such as: quest tokens, currency, more...
* UI including: stacking items, tooltips, stack splitting, moving, displaying bags and resources, moving resources, search bar, more...
* Recipes.
* Custom crafting times.
* Consecutive craft multiplier.
* Automatic refresh on craftable recipes when inventory changes.
* UI including: recipes list, recipe preview, craft start and stop buttons, crafting progress bar.
* Message limits.
* Togglable bad word filters.
* Private chat (whispers/tells).
* Team chat.
* Global chat.
* UI including: message color indicators (for team, private, global), auto private chat completion, click to private chat, more...
* Easily modifiable leveling template; can be used for skill levels, XP, more...
* Example leveling template for XP.
Providers (Placeholder/future prep):
* Providers can be anything non-client in the game that supplies items, quests, goals, more...
This feature is still in development.
* Quest condition template.
* Gather, interact, travel condition. These can be used for virtually any kind of quest, including talk to.
* Custom quest creation which includes: trackable, title, description, conditions, rewards, more...
Presumably Working (untested):
* Add, remove quests at runtime.
* Check quest complete conditions.
* Quest only droppable resources including Providers which can drop, quantity, rarity, more...
* Rewards: a placeholder has been made but not implemented.
* Inventory updates to automatically check completion. Quester(or own implementation) should use Inventory API to review changes and see if they progress quests.