Method | Path | Description | Note |
GET | /accounts/ | retrieves all existing users | |
GET | /accounts/:id | retrieves 1 existing user by id | |
GET | /accounts/:name | retrieves 1 existing user by name | |
POST | /accounts/register | to create a user | takes username/password -- for now |
POST | /accounts/# | to login a user | takes username/password -- for now |
PUT | /accounts/:id | id as route param and new name as body of request | can only update username |
DELETE | /accounts/:id | account id as route param | |
GET | /locations | displays locations | requires "authorization" token in header |
GET | /locations/:id | displays location with specified id | requires "authorization" token in header |
POST | /locations | adds new location | requires "authorization" token in header |
PUT | /locations/:id | id as route param and new location as body of request | can only update location_name |
DELETE | /locations/:id | location id as route param | |
GET | /bait | displays bait | requires "authorization" token in header |
GET | /bait/:id | displays bait with specified id | requires "authorization" token in header |
POST | /bait | adds new bait | requires "authorization" token in header |
PUT | /bait/:id | id as route param and new bait as body of request | can only update bait_name |
DELETE | /bait/:id | bait id as route param | |
GET | /fish | displays fish | requires "authorization" token in header |
GET | /fish/:id | displays fish with specified id | requires "authorization" token in header |
POST | /fish | adds new fish | requires "authorization" token in header |
PUT | /fish/:id | id as route param and new fish as body of request | can only update fish name |
DELETE | /fish/:id | fish id as route param | |
GET | /logs | displays logs | requires "authorization" token in header |
GET | /logs/:id | displays log with specified id | requires "authorization" token in header |
POST | /logs | adds new log | requires "authorization" token in header |
PUT | /logs/:id | id as route param and new log as body of request | can only update location_id, log time_spent |
DELETE | /logs/:id | log id as route param | |
GET | /logs/search/:text | searches for and returns array of existing logs based on query | |
GET | /logs/:id/bait | retrieves all bait used in a log by the log id passed into the route params | |
GET | /logs/:id/fish | retrieves all fish used in a log by the log id passed into the route params |