This is the .vim & .vimrc files that I use everywhere I can use vim and git my config. I could improve a lot of things, starting with a special colorscheme on non 256-colors terminals. plus some scripts to automate the activation of modules and the installation of .vimrc on a new computer
- vim 7.2 (ubuntu package)
- ruby (for command-t)
- 256-colors terminal
this config uses pathogen which is just awesome. It allows to separate bundles in their own directories instead of putting everything in the ~/.vim root.
In order to install a new bundle, one must add it in the bundle-available
those of you who are familiar with pathogen know that bundles live in the
directory. In order to be able to activate/deactivate bundles
everything in bundle
is a symlink to the real module in bundle-available
I'm looking for a way to handle per-project activation of bundles because I don't need omnicppcomplete everyday and I want to deactivate it most the time
You can fork my config, I would be happy to get pull requests as well