This app contains just the minimum configuration needed to start coding right away on the things that matter. It's easier for me to maintain than a rails template.
I no longer maintain this project, see rails4_blank_app for the successor.
- to foca for this great idea! This app is an adapted version of the Blank Slate app.
- to Xenda and frodsan for their own application template, I stole good ideas from them. Check barney, frodsan's application template.
$ git clone your_app_name
$ your_app_name/script/init
This app has the following customizations:
- a README boilerplate with installation, deployement, development and test sections. On installation it replaces the file you are currently reading
- Twitter Bootstrap for the base design, installed through bootstrap-sass
- Haml as the templating engine for HTML and an application layout in Haml with some layout helpers (copied from nifty_generators)
- a
with ahome
view to which points the root route - PostgreSQL is the selected database
are removed
- guard-livereload and rack-livereload to have app asset changes apply live in the browser without a browser extension
- lll for nice debugging statements
- quiet_assets to mute assets pipeline log messages
- sextant to show routes in the browser (quicker than
rake routes
) - guard-ctags-bundler to automatically update ctags for projet files and gems from project's bundle
- pry-rails to have
rails console
to open pry - application is configured to not generate stylesheet, javascript and helper file when scaffolding a resource
- a pre commit hook which aborts a commit if there is a
statement in the specs or code, or left git failed merge markup - a Consular script is automatically created if Consular is used on the machine
- logs are automatically rotated to save disk space
- rspec-rails, with generators only for models and requests specs
- capybara for integration tests
- spork to avoid rails initialization on each test suite run
- growl-rspec to see RSpec test results in growl notifications
- logs are automatically rotated to save disk space