This project includes two main tasks:
- Covariance and Correlation Analysis with the Iris Dataset.
- Laptop Price Analysis using Pandas, NumPy, and Visualization Libraries.
- Implement covariance and correlation calculations from scratch.
- Validate results with NumPy and visualize them.
- Analyze and visualize laptop # trends by brand, RAM, CPU, and storage.
These are the required packages needed for the project to run. Note, create a virtual environment first to install all the requirements Since this project was done with a MacBook, here are the steps to create a virtual environment, and activate it
Step 1: Create a Virtual Environment called 'venv_name', you can change the name to any name, the name I used is venv
python3 -m venv venv_name
Step 2: Activate your virtual environment
source venv_name/bin/activate
To know your virtual environment has been activated, the name of your virtual environment comes up as a prefix in your terminal After activating the virtual environment, you can now install these packages
Step 3: To install these packages, run the following command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Datasets used in this notebook are the iris dataset and laptop price dataset which are included in the folder "Dataset"
The documentation and detailed explanation of the analysis are found in the pdf titled "Mini Project-Folasewa-B02294068.pdf"
The jupyter notebook is titled "Mini_Project_Folasewa_DS.ipynb"