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A mobile application that allows hungry foodies and passionate chefs to find inspiration for their next dish.


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Unit 10: Group Milestone - README

🔥 Fond

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Product Spec
  3. Wireframes
  4. Schema
  5. Built With
  6. Authors
  7. Running Locally
  8. Phone Emulator



(Click to Watch Demo Video)

Fond is a mobile application that allows hungry foodies and passionate chefs to find inspiration for their next dish while browsing their feed or searching for a recipe on the app to make. With ingredient search, aspiring chefs can use items already in the kitchen in new and exciting ways. Once concocted, users will be able share their food creations with the world.


  • Category: Social Networking / Food

  • Mobile: Mobile is essential for easy posting. Users will use their phone's built in camera to take photos and upload them to their feed. [Stretch] Users will be able to use their phone's camera to scan barcodes and easily upload ingredients, making recipe search even simpler.

  • Story: Allows users to answer the age-old question, "What's for dinner?" Users will be able to find inspiration and ways to cook ingredients that they already have, creating interest and cutting down on food waste. [stretch] Once they find new favorites, they'll be able to save them to their account for easy access and use. They'll also be able to "fond" posts and receive "fonds" on their own posts, for positive affimation.

  • Market: According to a 2012 Hartman Group study, half of consumers surveyed use social media to learn about food. There's a huge market, and Fond allows users to find recipes and inspiration from a single collective source. Ads for local restaurants or personal recipe blogs/vlogs could be used for monetization.

  • Habit: With endless scroll, and a large amount of user posts, the app could be very addictive to a user that has time to spare. An average user could use the app at the very least, once a week to plan dinner, but would return once a day to see new posts. An average user would not just consume posts, but would also create their own.

  • Scope Our most basic iteration of the app would include a post feed, allow users to upload photos of their own foods, and a recipe search with minimal search options (recipe name search and ingredient search). We believe that the most stripped down version of the app still provides a rich user experience and is also very attainable by the end of the program. Further iterations include allowing users to "fond" other posts, additional recipe filters, and additional user features (e.g. creating shopping lists from saved ingredients).

Product Spec

1. User Stories

Required Must-have Stories

  • [ 1 ] User can register a new account
  • [ 2 ] User can login
  • [ 3 ] User sees app icon in home screen and styled bottom navigation view.
    • User sees app icon in home screen.
    • User sees styled bottom navigation view.
  • [ 4 ] User can see a feed of recent user-generated photos
    • Create posts feed fragment. (i.e. User Feed)
    • User can see a feed of recent user-generated photos.
  • [ 7 ] List of user's "favorited" recipes returned.
    • Create "favorited" recipes fragment. (i.e. Saved Recipes)
    • List of user's "favorited" recipes returned.
  • [ 8 ] User can take a picture of recipe they made
  • [ 10 ] User can search for recipes
    • Create recipes fragment. (i.e. Recipe Search)
    • API returns a list of recipes that user can make.
    • Implement Search toolbar
  • [ 13 ] User can filter search based on ingredients // The search results are unrelated to pantry. This is a simple, return of API data
  • [ 23 ] User can see a personal feed of what they’ve posted
    • Create profile fragment.
    • User can see a personal feed of what they’ve posted

Optional Stories

    • [ 31 ] Screen stays on (light doesn’t dim) while user has the recipe open
    • [ 11 ] User can create a persisted list of ingredients
    • [ 5 ] User feed is filled with most popular recipes
    • [ 6 ] User can see similar recipes to the one they selected on their feed
    • [ 15 ] User can filter search based on including ingredients that are in their inventory of ingredients
    • [ 18 ] User can filter search based on food genre (Italian, Mexican, etc)
    • [ 24 ] User can like recipes
    • [ 25 ] User can like others’ pictures of recipes
    • [ 27 ] User can favorite recipes
    • [ 33 ] User is able to check off what has been completed when making the recipe
    • [ 35 ] User can see a history of recipes they’ve tried
    • [ 36 ] User can save recipe lists for meal planning
    • [ 37 ] User can click on a recipe ingredient to see what substitutes might work/have been used
    • [ 39 ] User can see number of overall likes for each recipe post
    • [ 42 ] User can pull up a conversion chart (i.e. 1 tbsp = 3 tsp)
    • [ 14 ] User can filter search based on excluding ingredients
    • [ 16 ] User can filter search based on excluding ingredients that are in their profile settings
    • [ 17 ] User can have a list of xx? recipes returned to them that maximize the ingredients they have on hand and minimize the ones they don’t
    • [ 19 ] User can filter search based on food Cook time (40 minutes total time)
    • [ 20 ] User can filter search based on appliances available / unavailable (air fryer, instapot, etc.)
    • [ 21 ] User can filter search based on nutritional data
    • [ 26 ] User can attach their own photo to a recipe [attaching a photo and attaching photo to a recipe are 2 different things to my mind]
    • [ 29 ] User can save a list of currently available ingredients
    • [ 32 ] Have a ‘table of contents’ sidebar a la Wikipedia’s mobile app (User’s reported getting lost w/in the recipe)
    • [ 40 ] User can see number of likes for each recipe post from their foodie friends (i.e. vouching from ppl they know)
    • [ 41 ] User can query recipes that do not use chosen kitchen equipment
    • [ 43 ] Businesses can post ads

Stretch Stories

    • [ 12 ] User given option to select from a list of recommended staples to add to their inventory
    • [ 22 ] User can filter recipes based on the food plan they are following (Paleo, Whole30, Gluten-free, Atkins, Keto, etc)
    • [ 28 ] User can scale recipe based on number of people
    • [ 30 ] User can build a shopping list with missing recipe ingredients
    • [ 38 ] When a recipe says “do x for 15 minutes”, user can click on that to start a timer
    • [ 44 ] User can see articles
    • [ 45 ] We deploy the app on the app store
    • [ 34 ] User can find an ingredient based on barcode

2. 🎥 Video Walkthrough

Here's a walkthrough of implemented user stories:

Video Walkthrough

12/4/2020 update:

Dec 4th update

12/11/2020 update:

Dec 11th update

3. Screen Archetypes

Login Screen

  • Required Stories
    • [ 2 ] User can login

Register Screen

  • Required Stories
    • [ 1 ] User can register a new account

User Feed - Stream Screen

  • Required Stories

    • [ 4 ] User can see a feed of recent user-generated photos
  • Optional

    • [ 24 ] User can like recipes
    • [ 5 ] User feed is filled with most popular recipes
    • [ 25 ] User can like others’ pictures of recipes
    • [ 39 ] User can see number of overall likes for each recipe post
    • [ 40 ] User can see number of likes for each recipe post from their foodie friends (i.e. vouching from ppl they know)
    • [ 43 ] Businesses can post ads
  • Stretch

    • [ 44 ] User can see articles

Search Screen - Stream Screen

  • Required Stories

    • [ 7 ] API returns a list of recipes that user make
    • [ 10 ] User can search for recipes based on title
  • Optional

    • [ 41 ] User can query recipes that do not use chosen kitchen equipment

Advanced Search - Stream Screen

  • Required Stories

    • [ 13 ] User can filter search based on ingredients // The search results are unrelated to pantry. This is a simple, return of API data
  • Optional

    • [ 15 ] User can filter search based on including ingredients that are in their inventory of ingredients
    • [ 18 ] User can filter search based on food genre (Italian, Mexican, etc)
    • [ 14 ] User can filter search based on excluding ingredients
    • [ 16 ] User can filter search based on excluding ingredients that are in their profile settings
    • [ 17 ] User can have a list of xx? recipes returned to them that maximize the ingredients they have on hand and minimize the ones they don’t
    • [ 19 ] User can filter search based on food Cook time (40 minutes total time)
    • [ 20 ] User can filter search based on appliances available / unavailable (air fryer, instapot, etc.)
    • [ 21 ] User can filter search based on nutritional data
  • Stretch

    • [ 22 ] User can filter recipes based on the food plan they are following (Paleo, Whole30, Gluten-free, Atkins, Keto, etc)
    • [ 34 ] User can find an ingredient based on barcode

Recipe Screen - Detail Screen

  • Required Stories
    • None
  • Optional
    • [ 6 ] User can see similar recipes to the one they selected on their feed
    • [ 33 ] User is able to check off what has been completed when making the recipe
    • [ 37 ] User can click on a recipe ingredient to see what substitutes might work/have been used
    • [ 42 ] User can pull up a conversion chart (i.e. 1 tbsp = 3 tsp)
    • [ 26 ] User can attach their own photo to a recipe [attaching a photo and attaching photo to a recipe are 2 different things to my mind]
    • [ 32 ] Have a ‘table of contents’ sidebar a la Wikipedia’s mobile app (User’s reported getting lost w/in the recipe)
  • Stretch
    • [ 28 ] User can scale recipe based on number of people
    • [ 30 ] User can build a shopping list with missing recipe ingredients
    • [ 38 ] When a recipe says “do x for 15 minutes”, user can click on that to start a timer

Recipe Screen - Saved Recipes Screen

  • Required Stories
    • None
  • Optional
    • [ 27 ] User can favorite recipes

Creation Screen

  • Required Stories
    • [ 8 ] User can take a picture of recipe they made

Profile Screen

  • Required Stories

    • [ 23 ] User can see a personal feed of what they’ve posted
  • Optional

    • [ 11 ] User can create a persisted list of ingredients
    • [ 35 ] User can see a history of recipes they’ve tried
    • [ 36 ] User can save recipe lists for meal planning
  • Stretch

    • [ 12 ] User given option to select from a list of recommended staples to add to their inventory

Other (No screen involved)

  • Required Stories

    • [ 3 ] User sees app icon in home screen and styled bottom navigation view.
  • Optional

    • [ 31 ] Screen stays on (light doesn’t dim) while user has the recipe open
  • Stretch

    • [ 45 ] We deploy the app on the app store

4. Navigation

Tab Navigation (Tab to Screen)

  • Bottom Bar Navigation

    • User Feed - Stream Screen
    • Search Screen - Stream Screen
    • Saved Recipes Screen - Stream Screen
    • Profile Screen
  • Top Bar Navigation

    • Creation Screen

Flow Navigation (Screen to Screen)

Login Screen

  • -> User Feed

Register Screen

  • -> User Feed

User Feed - Stream Screen

  • -> None, but future version might go to the Recipe Screen by tapping an image

Search Screen - Stream Screen

  • -> Advanced Search Screen
  • -> Recipe Screen

Advanced Search - Stream Screen

  • -> Recipe Screen

Saved Recipe Screen - Stream Screen

  • -> Recipe Screen

Recipe Screen

  • -> Creation Screen

Creation Screen

  • -> Profile Screen (for now because the personal feed is a required story)
  • -> Future versions may go to the User Feed (if we integrate stretch stories with the User Feed)

Profile Screen

  • -> None
  • -> Future versions may go to the Search Screen (If we maintain a persistent list of ingredients) *# Product Spec



[BONUS] Digital Wireframes & Mockups

[BONUS] Interactive Prototype




Property Type Description
objectId String unique id for the user (default field)
username String unique username for the user
password String password for user login
profilePic File image for user profile
createdAt DateTime date when user is created (default field)
updatedAt DateTime date when user is last updated (default field)


Property Type Description
objectId String unique id for the user post (default field)
author Pointer to User post author
image File image that user posts
description String post caption by author
createdAt DateTime date when post is created (default field)
updatedAt DateTime date when post is last updated (default field)

Fond (when user "likes" another user's post)

Property Type Description
objectId String unique id for the user fond (default field)
userId Pointer to User user who completed "fond" action
postId Pointer to Post post user "fond"-ed
createdAt DateTime date when fond is created (default field)
updatedAt DateTime date when fond is last updated (default field)


Property Type Description
objectId String unique id for the recipe (default field)
recipeId Integer id in spoonacular database
title String title of Recipe
imageUrl String URL to recipe photo
summary String description of recipe
createdAt DateTime date when recipe is created (default field)
updatedAt DateTime date when recipe is last updated (default field)

Recipe_Favorites (when user "favorites" a recipee

Property Type Description
objectId String unique id for the recipe_favorite (default field)
userId Pointer to User user that favorited the recipe
recipeId Pointer to Recipe recipe user favorited
createdAt DateTime date when recipe is favorited (default field)
updatedAt DateTime date when recipe_favorites is last updated (default field)


List of network requests by screen

  • Login/Register Screen
    • (Read/GET) Query logged in user object
    • (Create/POST) Create a new user
  • User Feed (Stream) Screen
    • (Read/GET) Query most recent posts
    • (Create/POST) Create a new "fond" on a post
    • (Delete/DEL) Delete a "fond" from a previously "fond"-ed post
  • Photo Capture Screen
    • (Create/POST) Create a new post object
  • Search (stream) Screen
    • No Parse interaction for this page
  • Advanced Search (stream) Screen
    • No Parse interaction for this page
  • Saved Recipes (Stream) Screen
    • (Read/GET) Query user's favorited recipe
  • Profile Screen
    • (Read/GET) Query user's posts

Existing API Endpoints

  • Base URL -

    HTTP Verb Endpoint Description
    GET /recipes/random get random list of recipes
    GET /recipes/complexSearch?query={query} return recipes by natural language search query
    GET /recipes/complexSearch?intolerances={intolerances} return recipes by omitting allergies (e.g. gluten)
    GET /recipes/complexSearch?cuisine={cuisine} return recipes by cuisine
    GET /recipes/complexSearch?includeIngredients={includeIngredients} return recipes that include certain ingredients
    GET /recipes/complexSearch?excludeIngredients={excludeIngredients} return recipes that exclude certain ingredients
    GET recipes/{id}/similar get similar recipes
    GET /recipes/{id}/information get recipe details

🔨 Fond is built with

😋 Authors

🖥 Running Locally

  • Clone the repository: git clone
  • Open the project in the Android Studio
  • Rename the file to and add the missing keys.
  • Run the emulator.

📱 Phone Emulator

  • This application has been developed on a Pixel 2 XL emulator


A mobile application that allows hungry foodies and passionate chefs to find inspiration for their next dish.








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Contributors 4

