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Udp network protocol

Ben M. Ward edited this page Aug 4, 2017 · 4 revisions

Descent UDP Protocol Specification

This protocol plays fast and loose, and in general packet loss is acceptable and expected.

Each packet starts with a 1-byte Type. The enum below specifies it:

 * UDP Packet ID's taken directly from
 * D1X-Rebirth source
enum UDP_PacketType
   UPID_VERSION_DENY = 1,               // Netgame join or info has been denied due to version difference.
     UPID_GAME_INFO_REQ,                // Requesting all info about a netgame.
     UPID_GAME_INFO,                    // Packet containing all info about a netgame.
     UPID_GAME_INFO_LITE_REQ,           // Requesting lite info about a netgame. Used for discovering games.
     UPID_GAME_INFO_LITE,               // Packet containing lite netgame info.
     UPID_DUMP,                         // Packet containing why player cannot join this game.
     UPID_ADDPLAYER,                    // Packet from Host containing info about a new player.
     UPID_REQUEST,                      // New player says: "I want to be inside of you!" (haha, sorry I could not resist) / Packet containing request to join the game actually.
     UPID_QUIT_JOINING,                 // Packet from a player who suddenly quits joining.
     UPID_SYNC,                         // Packet from host containing full netgame info to sync players up.
     UPID_OBJECT_DATA,                  // Packet from host containing object buffer.
     UPID_PING,                         // Packet from host containing his GameTime and the Ping list. Client returns this time to host as UPID_PONG and adapts the ping list.
     UPID_PONG,                         // Packet answer from client to UPID_PING. Contains the time the initial ping packet was sent.
     UPID_ENDLEVEL_H,                   // Packet from Host to all Clients containing connect-states and kills information about everyone in the game.
     UPID_ENDLEVEL_C,                   // Packet from Client to Host containing connect-state and kills information from this Client.
     UPID_PDATA_H,                      // Packet from Host to all Clients containing all players movement data.
     UPID_PDATA_C,                      // Packet from Client to Host containing his movement data.
     UPID_MDATA_P0,                     // Packet containing multi buffer from a player. Priority 0 - no ACK needed.
     UPID_MDATA_P1,                     // Packet containing multi buffer from a player. Priority 1 - ACK needed. Also contains pkt_num
     UPID_MDATA_ACK                     // ACK packet for UPID_MDATA_P1.
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