by KM3
- 🟨 ⌈ Our solution ⌋
- 🗒️ ⌈ Features ⌋
- ⬇️ ⌈ Download ⌋
- 💖 ⌈ About us ⌋
CubeTools is a file explorer made for you ! It allows you to make your workflow stronger than ever !
Our file explorer is made for people who wanted a file explorer focused on file sharing (locally or using external solutions)
And this in a 100% open-source and 100% free package ! Enjoy !
CubeTools includes many unique features:
- ✅ ▶ All basic features that are included in other file explorers (access to documents, files, open in external apps, properties etc)
- 🔥 ▶ Snapdrop (file sharing locally) and Smash (using external website and unlimited size sharing, 100% French !)
- 🔥 ▶ Cloud services ! OneDrive, GoogleDrive and FTP compatible !
Download link : ⌈ AVAILABLE SOON ⌋
KM3 is a team of 4 French students at EPITA - Ecole d'Ingénieur Informatique (PARIS) aged of 18 and 19 years old.
We wanted to develop a very useful tool for everyone and make our life easier for file sharing !
And that's where CubeTools comes in ! With a beautiful, modern, powerful and full of features !
📣 Discord : Open in Discord
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