Redact (replace) part or all of a string with a character.
The other popular packages seem to be restricted to a certain behavior:
- Redaction of objects/json (instead of plain variables/values you control)
- Redaction entirely replaces value leaving no structure or hint of what it was
This didn't fit my needs. I wanted to be able to control how many characters were replaced as well as leave part of the structure intact for hinting in logging. A prime example being replacing part of an IP address so users can view/post logs which confirm correct settings but don't give away full addresses IE
-> **********105
npm install @foxxmd/react-string
import {reactString} from '@foxxmd/redact-string';
console.log(reactString('', 3)); // 3 is the number of character to leave visible
// *********105
An optional, third argument can be passed that defines how the redact occurs:
export interface RedactOptions {
* Replace characters starting at the start or end of string (default start)
* */
replaceFrom?: 'start' | 'end'
* The character/string that characters are replaced with (default '*')
* */
replaceWith?: string
* Which type of characters to replace in the string (default any)
* */
replace?: 'any' | 'alphanumeric' | 'alpha' | 'numeric'
// replace all but last 3 characters
console.log(reactString('', 3));
// *********105
// replace all but first 3 characters
console.log(reactString('', 3, {replaceFrom: 'end'}));
// 192**********
// replace all but last 3 characters, numeric only
console.log(reactString('', 3, {replace: 'numeric'}));
// ***.***.*.105
// replace all but last 5 characters with 'X'
console.log(reactString('superSecretPassword', 5, {replaceWith: 'X'}));