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Quality Gate Status TypeScript Website

A personal website built using modern web technologies to share thoughts, experiences, and showcase projects. Designed for speed, accessibility, and a seamless user experience.

🚀 Tech Stack

  • Framework: Next.js
  • Language: TypeScript (62.7%)
  • Content: MDX (32.9%)
  • Styling: CSS with advanced features
  • Deployment: Vercel

🌟 Features

  • High Performance: Optimized with Next.js for fast load times
  • Content Management: Powered by MDX for flexible and dynamic content
  • Custom Design: Unique styling and animations for a tailored experience
  • Responsive: Fully functional on all devices
  • SEO-Friendly: Built with best practices for search engines
  • Type-Safe Development: Ensured with TypeScript

🛠 Quick Start

  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone
    cd frad-me
  2. Install Dependencies:

    pnpm install
  3. Start Development Server:

    pnpm dev
  4. Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser.

📁 Project Structure

├── components/     # React components
├── pages/          # Next.js pages
├── public/         # Static assets
├── styles/         # CSS styles
└── content/        # MDX content

🔧 Development Scripts

  • pnpm dev: Start the development server
  • pnpm build: Create a production build
  • pnpm start: Launch the production server
  • pnpm lint: Run linting for code quality
  • pnpm format: Format code and content files
  • pnpm release: Prepare a new release

🚀 Deployment

The website is automatically deployed to Vercel on every push to the main branch. The deployment process includes:

  1. Building the Next.js application
  2. Running quality checks
  3. Deploying to production
  4. Ensuring quality assurance

✅ Code Quality

This project adheres to high-quality coding standards:

  • SonarCloud: Continuous code quality analysis
  • TypeScript: Strong type-checking
  • ESLint: Enforced code style consistency
  • Automated Testing & CI/CD: Robust testing and deployment pipelines

📜 License

This project is licensed under the MIT License.

💬 Contact

For questions or suggestions, please open an issue in the repository.

Built with ❤️ by FradSer.