Visit for more informations and Codesamples
- Installation
- Supported Function codes
- Basic Usage
3.1. Instantiation
3.2. Connect
3.3. Close connection
3.4. Read values
3.5. Write single values - Examples
4.1. Example 1 (Read two Holding Registres from Siemens S7-1200 via Modbus-TCP) - Library Documentation
5.1 Methods
5.2 Properties
5.3 Helper functions
pip install EasyModbus
Python 2.7
Python 3.6
pyserial (only for Modbus RTU)
- Read Coils (FC1)
- Read Discrete Inputs (FC2)
- Read Holding Registers (FC3)
- Read Input Registers (FC4)
- Write Single Coil (FC5)
- Write Single Register (FC6)
- Write Multiple Coils (FC15)
- Write Multiple Registers (FC16)
The arguments passed during the instantiation are important in order to differentiate between Modbus RTU (via the serial interface) and Modbus TCP (via Ethernet).
If an argument is passed during the instantiation, it is the serial interface that is used with Modbus RTU (e.g. 'COM1' or '/dev/ttyUSB0').
Two arguments must be passed for Modbus TCP. This is the IP address and the port (usually 502)
Example for Modbus RTU
import easymodbus.modbusClient
modbus_client = easymodbus.modbusClient.ModbusClient('/dev/ttyUSB0')
Example for Modbus TCP
import easymodbus.modbusClient
modbus_client = easymodbus.modbusClient.ModbusClient('', 502)
To connect to a Modbus-TCP Server or to a Modbus-RTU Slave simply use the "connect" Method. If Modbus-RTU is used, make sure to set the properties for serial connection (Baudrate, Parity, Stopbits), if they differ from the default values, before the "connect" Method is executed.
To close the connection to a Modbus-TCP Server or to a Modbus-RTU Slave simply use the "close" Method.
The following functioncodes are used to read values from the remote device (Modbus-TCP Server or Modbus-RTU Client)
- Read Coils (FC1) - Method "read_coils"
- Read Discrete Inputs (FC2) - Method "read_discreteinputs"
- Read Holding Registers (FC3) - Method "read_holdingregisters"
- Read Input Registers (FC4) - Method "read_inputregisters"
IMPORTANT: Usually there is a Register shift between the request and the server address range The Server address Range starts with address "1" but the Request that is sent starts with "0" In the example method call we read Register 1 and 2 (Because register "0" does not exist) Please check the documentation of your device (or try it out)
import easymodbus.modbusClient
#create an instance of a Modbus-TCP class (Server IP-Address and Port) and connect
modbus_client = easymodbus.modbusClient.ModbusClient('', 502)
#The first argument is the starting address, the second argument is the quantity.
coils = modbus_client.read_coils(0, 2) #Read coils 1 and 2 from server
discrete_inputs = modbus_client.read_discreteinputs(10, 10) #Read discrete inputs 11 to 20 from server
input_registers = modbus_client.read_inputregisters(0, 10) #Read input registers 1 to 10 from server
holding_registers = modbus_client.read_holdingregisters(0, 5) #Read holding registers 1 to 5 from server
The following functioncodes are used to write single values (Holding Registers or Coils) from the remote device (Modbus-TCP Server or Modbus-RTU Client)
- Write Single Coil (FC5) - Method "write_single_coil"
- Write Single Register (FC6) - Method "write_single_register"
IMPORTANT: Usually there is a Register shift between the request and the server address range The Server address Range starts with address "1" but the Request that is sent starts with "0" In the example method call we write to Register 1 (Because register "0" does not exist) Please check the documentation of your device (or try it out)
import easymodbus.modbusClient
#create an instance of a Modbus-TCP class (Server IP-Address and Port) and connect
modbus_client = easymodbus.modbusClient.ModbusClient('', 502)
holding_register_value = 115
coil_value = True
#The first argument is the address, the second argument is the value.
modbus_client.write_single_register(0, holding_register_value) #Write value "115" to Holding Register 1
modbus_client.write_single_coil(10, coil_value) #Set Coil 11 to True
All examples are available in the folder "examples" in the Git-Repository
First we create an instance of a Modbus-TCP class (Server IP-Address and Port)
Then we Read 2 Holding Registers from the Server.
IMPORTANT: Usually there is a Register shift between the request and the server address range
The Server address Range starts with address "1" but the Request that is sent starts with "0"
In the example method call we read Register 1 and 2 (Because register "0" does not exist)
Please check the documentation of your device (or try it out)
import easymodbus.modbusClient
#create an instance of a Modbus-TCP class (Server IP-Address and Port) and connect
modbus_client = easymodbus.modbusClient.ModbusClient('', 502)
#The first argument is the starting registers, the second argument is the quantity.
register_values = modbus_client.read_holdingregisters(0, 2)
print("Value of Register #1:" + str(register_values[0]))
print("Value of Register #2:" + str(register_values[1]))
#Close the Port
Class: ModbusClient
Constructor def __init__(self, *params)
Constructor for Modbus RTU (serial line): modbusClient = ModbusClient.ModbusClient(‘COM1’) First Parameter is the serial Port
Constructor for Modbus TCP: modbusClient = ModbusClient.ModbusClient(‘’, 502) First Parameter ist the IP-Address of the Server to connect to Second Parameter is the Port the Server listens to
def connect(self)
Connects to a Modbus-TCP Server or a Modbus-RTU Slave with the given Parameters
def close(self)
Closes Serial port, or TCP-Socket connection
def read_discreteinputs(self, starting_address, quantity)
Read Discrete Inputs from Server device (Function code 2)
starting_address: First discrete input to read
quantity: Number of discrete Inputs to read
returns: List of bool values [0..quantity-1] which contains the discrete Inputs
def read_coils(self, starting_address, quantity)
Read Coils from Server device (Function code 1)
starting_address: First coil to read
quantity: Number of coils to read
returns: List of bool values [0..quantity-1] which contains the coils
def read_holdingregisters(self, starting_address, quantity)
Read Holding Registers from Server device (Function code 3)
starting_address: First Holding Register to read
quantity: Number of Holding Registers to read
returns: List of int values [0..quantity-1] which contains the registers
def read_inputregisters(self, starting_address, quantity)
Read Input Registers from Server device (Function code 4)
starting_address: First Input Register to read
quantity: Number of Input Registers to read
returns: List of int values [0..quantity-1] which contains the registers
def write_single_coil(self, starting_address, value)
Write single Coil to Server device (Function code 5)
starting_address: Coil to write
value: Boolean value to write
def write_single_register(self, starting_address, value)
Write single Holding Register to Server device (Function code 6)
starting_address: Holding Register to write
value: int value to write
def write_multiple_coils(self, starting_address, values)
Write multiple Coils to Server device (Function code 15)
starting_address: First coil to write
value: List of Boolean values to write
def write_multiple_registers(self, starting_address, values)
Write multiple Holding Registers to Server device (Function code 16)
starting_address: First Holding Register to write
value: List of int values to write
Datatype: int
Port were the Modbus-TCP Server is reachable (Standard is 502)
Datatype: str
IP-Address of the Server to be connected
Datatype: int
Unit identifier in case of serial connection (Default = 1)
Datatype: int
Baudrate for serial connection (Default = 9600)
Datatype: int
Parity in case of serial connection
The Helper class "Parity" can be used to define the parity (Default = Parity.even)
For example: modbus_client.parity = easymodbus.modbusClient.Parity.odd
Possible values are:
even = 0
odd = 1
none = 2
Datatype: int
Stopbits in case of serial connection (Default =
The Helper class "Stopbits" can be used to define the number of stopbits
For example: modbus_client.stopbits =
Possible values are:
one = 0
two = 1
onePointFive = 2
Datatype: int
Max. time before an Exception is thrown (Default = 5)
Datatype: bool
Returns true if a connection has been established (only read)
Datatype: bool
Enables/disables debug mode - In debug mode Request and Response and depending in the logging level the RAW-Data are displayed at the console output and stored in a logfile "logdata.txt"
Disabled at default
Sets or gets the logging level. Default value is logging.INFO. In this Request and Response including arguments are logged (if debug is enabled)
if the level is set to logging.DEBUG also the RAW data transmitted and received are logged for debugging purposes.
The are logged at the console output and stored in logfile.txt
def convert_double_to_two_registers(doubleValue, register_order=RegisterOrder.lowHigh)
Convert 32 Bit Value to two 16 Bit Value to send as Modbus Registers
doubleValue: Value to be converted
register_order: Desired Word Order (Low Register first or High Register first - Default: RegisterOrder.lowHigh
return: 16 Bit Register values int[]
def convert_float_to_two_registers(floatValue, register_order=RegisterOrder.lowHigh)
Convert 32 Bit real Value to two 16 Bit Value to send as Modbus Registers
floatValue: Value to be converted
register_order: Desired Word Order (Low Register first or High Register first - Default: RegisterOrder.lowHigh
return: 16 Bit Register values int[]
def convert_registers_to_double(registers, register_order=RegisterOrder.lowHigh)
Convert two 16 Bit Registers to 32 Bit long value - Used to receive 32 Bit values from Modbus (Modbus Registers are 16 Bit long)
registers: 16 Bit Registers
register_order: Desired Word Order (Low Register first or High Register first - Default: RegisterOrder.lowHigh
return: 32 bit value
def convert_registers_to_float(registers, register_order=RegisterOrder.lowHigh)
Convert two 16 Bit Registers to 32 Bit real value - Used to receive float values from Modbus (Modbus Registers are 16 Bit long)
registers: 16 Bit Registers
register_order: Desired Word Order (Low Register first or High Register first - Default: RegisterOrder.lowHigh
return: 32 bit value real