File sharing on your local network that works on all platforms.
- A multi-platform AirDrop-like solution that works.
- Send images, documents or text via peer-to-peer connection to devices on the same local network.
- Internet transfers
- Join temporary public rooms to transfer files easily over the Internet.
- Web-app
- Works on all devices with a modern web-browser.
Send a file from your phone to your laptop?
Share photos in original quality with friends using Android and iOS?
Share private files peer-to-peer between Linux systems?
- Vanilla HTML5 / JS ES6 / CSS 3 frontend
- WebRTC / WebSockets
- Node.js backend
- Progressive web app (PWA) unified functionality
- IndexedDB API storage handling
- zip.js library
- cyrb53 super-fast hash function
- NoSleep display sleep, add wake lock (MIT)
- Weblate web-based localization tool