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Free instrumental Library(FiL) is a general purpose C++ library. Mostly header-only


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Free instrument Library is a general purpose C++ library principally header-only


Header Only: Command line interface header only library. It is callback based, every command are part of the fil::sub_command class.

In order to use it, a base class for the cli has to be used (internally this class is a sub-class of sub_command) that provide a parser method taking the input parameter of the main as parameters.

  fil::command_line_interface cli([]() { /*callback of the command*/ }, "A Simple Command Line tool");

  // Add an option ex: ./binary --opt-with-arg "This is an argument"
  cli.add_option(fil::option("--opt-with-arg", [](std::string arg) { /*handler for the options*/ }, "command with arg"));

  // Add an option ex: ./binary --opt-without-arg
  cli.add_option(fil::option("--opt-without-arg", []() { /*handler for the options without argument required in the opt*/ }, "command with arg"));

  // retrieve the parameters of the command
  std::vector<std::string> cli_argument;
  cli.on_parameter_handler([&cli_argument](std::string param) { cli_argument.emplace_back(std::move(param)); });

  // Parse the command line
  cli.parse_command_line(argc, argv);


  • It is possible to compose commands with sub_command thanks to the method add_sub_command
  • Utility function to automatically add recurrent type of options exists:
 * Add a an option storing the argument into an output parameter
 * @param sub_command add the option in this sub_command
 * @param opt option code of the option
 * @param argument output parameter in which storing the argument of the option (can be integral or string)
 * @param help helping string displayed when using --help
template<typename T>
add_argument_option(sub_command& sub_command, std::string opt, T& argument, std::string help = "");

 * Do an aggregation of the argument of a sub_command into a vector
 * @param sub_command command to do the aggregation from
 * @param args_string output parameter : aggregate all the parameter into this vector
add_multi_arg(sub_command& sub_command, std::vector<std::string>& args_string);
  • The --help command is added by default.

Algorithm & Datastructures

Header Only : Some helper algorithm (string algorithm, container and so on) : All algorithm should be properly documented with doxygen documentation.

FSM (Finite State Machine)

Header Only : Implementation of a simple Finite State Machine.

This implementation just requires:

  • to define the transition possible from one state to another with a handler defining when a state can pass from one to the other.
  • to define on_entry state for the state you require specific actions to be done when entering the state
  • to use the advance method in order to trigger the state machine (go to any other state if possible).

Database KV

Key value datastore abstraction, this is not header only and require the library to be compiled with specific options to retrieve the existing policy for the abstraction. Currently the supported (or soon to be) policy are :

  • Rocksdb
  • Redis
  • Couchbase

Those datastore has been selected as default one as they have the particularity to be usable in-memory. Making them good choice for personal project. Cassandra DB, FoundationDB could be interesting choice to have for distributed datastore to be handled by this abstraction.


  • fmt : Formatting library (C++20 standard)

If using compiled version of the library with database kv

  • rocksdb : Fast and reliable KV engine developed by facebook, dependency can be disabled with the CMake option : WITH_FIL_ROCKSDB
  • redis : Persistent KV in-memory database : WITH_FIL_REDIS
  • couchbase : NoSQL performant database : WITH_FIL_COUCHBASE


Installation from sources

git clone
cd FiL
cmake -S . -Bbuild
sudo cmake --build build --target install


Free instrumental Library(FiL) is a general purpose C++ library. Mostly header-only








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