Docker version of Big Brother Bot (B3). Based on Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic), which is the last Ubuntu LTS version to (officially) support Python 2, the language B3 was written in.
This image supports two tags:
Supports a sqlite database as well as an external MariaDB/MySQL and PostgreSQL database.minimal
Supports only a sqlite database
Both tags run the current head from master at
Create a data
folder to mount to the container, with following folder structure:
├── conf
├── extplugins
├── parsers
All folders are optional, i.e. if you don't use custom parsers, you don't have to create the directory parsers
and the default parsers from the Big Brother Bot repo will be used. However, if you do create the folder, make sure to add ALL parsers you use, not just the custom ones.
In the examples below, the config file has been saved in /opt/b3/b3/conf/
on the host, which matches the same location in the docker container.
docker run -ti -v /opt/b3:/data --rm freekers/docker-b3:latest -c /opt/b3/b3/conf/myserver.xml
version: '3.7'
image: freekers/docker-b3:latest
container_name: b3
restart: always
- /opt/cod2/main/games_mp.log:/var/log/games_mp.log
- /opt/b3/b3:/data
command: -c /opt/b3/b3/conf/myserver.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<settings name="b3">
<!--Name of the bot.-->
<set name="bot_name">B3</set>
<!--Ingame messages are prefixed with this code, you can use colorcodes.-->
<set name="bot_prefix">B3</set>
<!--You can arrange the time format as specified in python's time directives.-->
<set name="time_format">%I:%M%p %Z %d/%m/%y</set>
<!--Set your server's timezone so all timebased lookups will show the proper time.-->
<set name="time_zone">CEST</set>
<!--The amount of logging you want in your b3.log file. Lower numbers log more information.-->
<set name="log_level">21</set>
<!--Name and path of the logfile the bot will generate.<br/>@conf : the folder containing this config file-->
<set name="logfile">@conf/b3.log</set>
<!--Your game parser.-->
<set name="parser">cod2</set>
<!--Your database info: [mysql]://[db-user]:[db-password]@[db-server[:port]]/[db-name]-->
<set name="database">sqlite://@conf/database.sqlite</set>
<settings name="server">
<!--Enter your rcon password.-->
<set name="rcon_password">TopSekret</set>
<!--Enter your game server's rcon (admin) port.-->
<set name="port">28960</set>
<!--Enter your game server's public IP.-->
<set name="public_ip"></set>
<!--Enter your game server's rcon IP.-->
<set name="rcon_ip"></set>
<!--Delay between each log reading. Set a higher value to consume less disk ressources or bandwidth if you remotely connect (ftp or http remote log access)-->
<set name="delay">0.5</set>
<!--Number of lines to process per second. Set a lower value to consume less CPU ressources-->
<set name="lines_per_second">50</set>
<!--Select on if you use Punkbuster, otherwise select off.-->
<set name="punkbuster">off</set>
<!--Select your game log file location.-->
<set name="game_log">/var/log/games_mp.log</set>
<settings name="messages">
<!--The message that will be displayed when a player is kicked by a mod/admin.-->
<set name="kicked_by">$clientname^2 was kicked by $adminname^2 $reason</set>
<!--The message that will be displayed when a player is kicked by B3.-->
<set name="kicked">$clientname^2 was kicked $reason</set>
<!--The message that will be displayed when a player is banned by a mod/admin.-->
<set name="banned_by">$clientname^2 was banned by $adminname^2 $reason</set>
<!--The message that will be displayed when a player is kicked by a B3.-->
<set name="banned">$clientname^2 was banned $reason</set>
<!--The message that will be displayed when a player is temp banned by a mod/admin.-->
<set name="temp_banned_by">$clientname^2 was temp banned by $adminname^2 for $banduration^2 $reason</set>
<!--The message that will be displayed when a player is temp banned by B3.-->
<set name="temp_banned">$clientname^2 was temp banned for $banduration^2 $reason</set>
<!--The message that will be displayed when a player is unbanned by a mod/admin.-->
<set name="unbanned_by">$clientname^2 was un-banned by $adminname^2 $reason</set>
<!--The message that will be displayed when a player is unbanned by B3-->
<set name="unbanned">$clientname^2 was un-banned $reason</set>
<settings name="plugins">
<!--Enter here the path to the config folder for your external plugins.-->
<set name="external_dir">@conf/extplugins</set>
<!--Cencors bad words and bad names-->
<plugin name="censor" config="@conf/plugin_censor.xml"/>
<!--This plugin provides main B3 functionalities.-->
<plugin name="admin" config="@conf/plugin_admin_stock.ini"/>
<!--Aimbot Detector-->
<plugin name="aimbotdetector" config="/opt/b3/b3/extplugins/conf/aimbotdetector.xml"/>
<!--High Ping Kicker-->
<plugin name="pingkicker" config="/opt/b3/b3/extplugins/plugin_pingkicker.xml"/>
<!--Kill Streak-->
<plugin name="spree" config="@conf/plugin_spree.ini"/>
<plugin name="adv" config="@conf/plugin_adv_cod2.xml" />
Note: Generate your own config file here: