Go module focused on recurring time periods
Key | Description . |
ANNUALLY | once per year |
BIANNUALLY | every two years |
BIMONTHLY | every two months |
BIWEEKLY | every two weeks |
DAILY | every day |
MONTHLY | once per month |
ONCE | one time only |
QUADWEEKLY | every four weeks |
QUARTERLY | four times per year |
SEMIANNUALLY | twice per year |
SEMIMONTHLY | twice per month |
TREANNUALLY | every three years |
TREQUADWEEKLY | every twelve weeks |
TRIANNUALLY | three times per year |
WEEKLY | once per week |
- goCadenceVersion() -> string
- Parameters: none
- Return: string in the format of Major.Minor.Patch
- A function that will return the version string to determine what features are available
- New(key string) -> CadenceObj
- Parameters: key(string)
- Return: CadenceObj
- Function to initialize a CadenceObj that follows the CadenceInf interface, defined via a key to identify the Cadence wanted
- Properties:
- String: A printable version of the cadence name
- Example BIWEEKLY.String() -> "bi-weekly"
- Description: a description of the cadence
- Example: BIWEEKLY.Description() -> "every two weeks"
- String: A printable version of the cadence name
- Methods:
- TimesIn(cad CadenceObj) -> float64
- Parameters: Cadence Object
- Return: float64
- A method to return the nunber of times the cadence will exist with the given cadence
- Example -> A cadence of Semi-Annually will occur 2.0 times in a cadence of Annually
- TimesIn(cad CadenceObj) -> float64
- Cadence of SEMIMONTHLY currently defaults to the 15th and the last day of the month
- Setting to disallow Saturdays
- Setting to disallow Sundays
- Setting to disallow Holidays
- Allow dates to be advanced to next day when disallowed
- Allow dates to be pushed backward to previous day when disallowed