App for parsing of specific realty pages.
Parsing splitted with two methods:
a) using Puppeter
b) using API of the realty page if it's available
Working in collaboration with React-Native
that allows to obtain push notification on every new announcement,
and OneSignal
push notifications solution.
After cloning the project run :
npm install
For proper work from the server side chromium
should be installed.
As process manager used pm2
manager that has to be globally installed by command
npm i pm2 -g
app_id and token has to be added to utils folder within constants.js file
and exported in standard way
in case if file not exist you should create it with corresponding content
const onesignal_app_id = "YOUR-ONESIGNAL-APP-ID";
const onesignal_token = "YOUR-PROJECT-REST-API-KEY";
module.exports = { onesignal_app_id, onesignal_token };
both values can be found at${YOUR-ONESIGNAL-APP-ID}/settings/keys_and_ids page
DOMRIA token must be set within constants.js file in the same way as onesignal values fx.
const domria_key = "YOUR-DOMRIA-API-KEY";
module.exports = { onesignal_app_id, onesignal_token, domria_key };
value can be found at
To run server with develop mode:
npm run dev
don't forget that in some cases you have to comment
executablePath: "/usr/bin/chromium-browser"
within browser/browser.js
for proper puppeeter work
it's dependent on OS.
To obtain new push notifications on the mobile application,
mobile device has to be added to "Test" group from OneSignal side.
To run server with production mode:
npm run prod