Build your own flea-market platform in few minutes.
This project began from charity flea market, and we think a geek team should hold the flea market in geek way. We would focus on different bidding system in next version.
How we communicate between front-end and back-end side.
Token authentication: http://<hostname>/
w/ package redux-auth.
GraphQL: http://<hostname>/graphql
w/ relay standard.
Install npm, node, nvm Reference: node version: v6.2.2
git clone
Install package
cd fubo-flea-market
npm install
start express server
npm run start
npm test
Replace apiUrl
in app/index.js with your back-end hostname or ip address.
apiUrl: '',
Replace server
in app.stores/, app.stores/ with your back-end hostname or ip address.
app.stores/, app.stores/
server: '',