This Python script will generate inventory for ansible based on Ec2 tags.
- python3
- boto3
- Latest Version of ansible
- Configure awscli with user credentials.
- While Creating ec2 instance add a Tag with Key called "Ansible" and colon separated values as group name.
Eg: Key=Ansible Value=centos:webserver
The above tag will put that instance under two groups, centos and webserver
- Accessing Dynamic Groups From ansible.
[management-node]$ ansible -i centos -m ping
[management-node]$ ansible -i webserver -m ping
This section will cover all the variable and their usage in the script.
This option controls the list of regions that you want to scan for the dynamic inventory. By default the script will only works within the 'us-east-1' region.
REGIONS = ['us-east-1', 'us-east-2']
If you enable this option then the script will scan for instances in all aws regions. If this options is enabled it will ignore the REGIONS value. By default this option will be set to false.
- AWS Credentials
By default script will fetch aws credentials from .aws/credentials file. you can override this option by setting
ACCESS_KEY = 'YourAccessKey'
SECRET_KEY = 'YourSecretKey'