Frontend-> React JS
Backend-> Node JS & Express JS
Database-> MongoDB
git clone
- install backend packages
cd mern-ecommerce npm install
- install frontend packages
cd client npm install
go to the parent folder of mern-ecommerce & create .env for connection, JWT_SECRET, BRAINTREE_MERCHANT_ID, BRAINTREE_PUBLIC_KEY and BRAINTREE_PRIVATE_KEY.
cd mern-ecommerce sudo nano .env
(ctrl+x to save & nano follow instruction there)
create another .env file inside client directory for REACT_APP_API_URL.
cd mern-ecommerce/client sudo nano .env
- for mongodb atlas database creation follow this tutorial->
- you can use any random string as JWTSECRET
- for localhost REACT_APP_API_URL is http://localhost:5000/api but for heroku (server deployment) it will be different
- for server deployment use secrets directly
deploy this project on your local server by using this command
cd mern-ecommerce npm run dev
- categories: _id, name, createdAt, updatedAt;
- orders: _id, status, products (Array), transaction_id, amount, address, user (Object), createdAt, updatedAt
- products: _id, photo (Object), sold, name, description, price, category, shipping, quantity, createdAt, updatedAt
- users: _id, role, history (Array), name, email, salt, hashed_password, createdAt, updatedAt
1. user can view all products
2. user can view single product
3. user can search products and view products by category and price range
4. user can add to cart checkout products using credit card info
5. user can register & #
6. admin can create, edit, update & delete products
7. admin can create categories
8. admin can view ordered products
9. admin can change the status of a product (processing, shipped, delivered, etc.)
- Deployed on - raise a star to support me