Welcome to "Python & Cloud Synergy: Advanced Techniques with Google Gemini” – an innovative workshop tailored for professionals eager to explore the realms of cloud computing and AI.
This repository features a Cloud Run application utilizing the Streamlit Framework, showcasing the integration with the Vertex AI Gemini API.
DEMO Link: https://gemini-streamlit-app-ido3ocn3pq-uc.a.run.app/
Note: Before proceeding, make sure to Navigate to the folder as your active working directory.
Set up the Python virtual environment and install dependencies:
python3 -m venv gemini-streamlit
source gemini-streamlit/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
GCP_PROJECT: Your Google Cloud project ID.** GCP_REGION: The region where you deploy your Cloud Run app (e.g., us-central1).
export GCP_PROJECT='<Your GCP Project Id>' # Replace with your project ID
export GCP_REGION='us-central1' # Modify if needed
streamlit run app.py \
--browser.serverAddress=localhost \
--server.enableCORS=false \
--server.enableXsrfProtection=false \
--server.port 8080
Access the application URL provided in Cloud Shell's web preview or open it in your browser. Build and Deploy to Cloud Run
GCP_PROJECT: Your Google Cloud project ID. GCP_REGION: The region where you deploy your Cloud Run app (e.g., us-central1).
export GCP_PROJECT='<Your GCP Project Id>' # Replace with your project ID
export GCP_REGION='us-central1' # Modify if needed
export AR_REPO='<REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_AR_REPO_NAME>' # Replace with your Artifact Registry repository name
export SERVICE_NAME='gemini-streamlit-app' # Customize your application and Cloud Run service name
gcloud artifacts repositories create "$AR_REPO" --location="$GCP_REGION" --repository-format=Docker
gcloud auth configure-docker "$GCP_REGION-docker.pkg.dev"
gcloud builds submit --tag "$GCP_REGION-docker.pkg.dev/$GCP_PROJECT/$AR_REPO/$SERVICE_NAME"
gcloud run deploy "$SERVICE_NAME" \
--port=8080 \
--image="$GCP_REGION-docker.pkg.dev/$GCP_PROJECT/$AR_REPO/$SERVICE_NAME" \
--allow-unauthenticated \
--region=$GCP_REGION \
--platform=managed \
--project=$GCP_PROJECT \
Upon successful deployment, access the provided URL to explore the newly deployed Cloud Run application. Congratulations!