#Android-Study-jams Free Eucation App Problem Statement: Nowadays there are plenty of resources available over the internet and to sort out best of them is very tough task and also getting free resources is also a tough task.
Proposed Solution : We built a database where we will regularly add fresh and amazing resources to and built an application that will sort those playlists and help users learn everything freely and efficiently
Functionality & Concepts used :
- The app starts with an activity displaying different genres in a recycler view using viewModel and livedata
- Then we used navigation components to navigate through screens like once clicked on any genre the app will display different playlist for that genre
- and once clicked on a playlist app will display different videos and resources using WebView in the application itself
- One can also set the favourite to a particular genre and that will be saved in their device itself using room database
Application Link & Future Scope : App is currently in development phase as functionality is complete but we need to work on designs and after that we will try to implement some features like blog writing,content posting in app related to education genre's itself
Link to apk file: https://github.com/GDSC-IIIT-V/ASJ_Submition_Apk.git