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Fuhu Xia edited this page Dec 15, 2020 · 9 revisions

Dashboard from Project Open Data scans the 24 CFO act agency for compliance with M-13-13. This system needs work to meet the Open Government Data Act.


Instance Url

Common tasks

Database dump

Occasionally we need data for development. These commands are run from one of the dashboard-web hosts.

First, set the database credentials from the application in your shell.

$ source /var/www/dashboard/current/.env

Then, create a compressed archive.

$ mysqldump -h $DB_HOST -u $DB_USER -p $DB_NAME | grep -v 'INSERT INTO \`ci_logs\` VALUES'  | gzip > $(date +%Y-%m-%d)-staging-dashboard.sql.gz

Supply $DB_PASSWORD when prompted. You can use scp to retrieve the file.

(Note that this command will omit the content of the ci_logs table to make the dump smaller. If you need the content of ci_logs, omit the grep from the pipe.)

Worker tasks

The Dashboard has two nightly jobs that scan the agency data.json files. Quarterly, the dashboard compiles the results into a milestone. The job does not take the date range as a parameter, so if a job is skipped, that data will never be re-populated (see #1196).


Cron failures

If the jobs (e.g. dashboard-cfo-act-full-scan) repeatedly fail (example), this should be investigated immediately because the dashboard will become more and more out of date.

Health Checks

The netscaler configuration verifies that sites are working and directs traffic only to working machines. To check that the server is responding appropriately, Netscaler checks with request HEAD https://{host_name}/dashboard/healthcheck endpoint, expecting a 200 response code, to verify it is working as expected. Latest health check configuration.

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