Run a Dogecoin fullnode in an isolated Docker container
But why should I do that?!
- To support the Dogecoin community.
- Just for the sake of doing it.
- Because it's fun.
Make sure that port 22556 is being forwarded on your router!
It's not that hard, actually. There are two ways to get it up and running:
A. Pull and run the image from the Docker Store
You only need to run one command to get it up and running:
docker run -d -p 22556:22556 --name dogenode gxgow/dogenode
Just wait until the process completes and boom, your Dogecoin node is up and running!
This requires a few extra steps, but it will get you the same result. It can be helpful if you want to customize the init script, for example.
# Clone the git repository
git clone
# Perform your customisations (optional)
# Run the build script (it'll also run as a .sh script. Just copy the contents or change the file extension.)
Same result, it's up and running.
Initial sync may take a looooong time (total blockchain size as of writing is over 20 GB!). That's why it may be useful to have a bootstrap file to make the initial sync process a little faster.
You can get the bootstrap.dat file from:
- Torrent link (Snapshot 2018-01-09, credit goes to this reddit thread)
- Magnet link (same as torrent above, but with more trackers):
Sit back and relax while it's downloading. It's a large file, so it may take some time.
Before copying the bootstrap file to the Docker container, make sure you've run the container at least once. Then, copy bootstrap.dat using following commands:
# Stop the container
docker stop dogenode
# Copy bootstrap.dat to the container
docker cp /path/to/bootstrap.dat dogenode:/root/.dogecoin/
# Start the container again
docker start dogenode
Once the node has imported the bootstrap.dat file, it'll be renamed to bootstrap.dat.old. This file will automatically be removed on the next boot.