This is just a fully open sourced Routes site made with the MERN stack.
Well, just visit the website at, # and enjoy!
On the other hand if you'd like to host this website on your local machine just clone this repository with git clone
. just copy and paste that command on your terminal, then write npm i
to install all dependencies, and start a local servers with npm start
. That's it.
This website it's been deployed and made available to the public thanks to Vercel, and Heroku, which are completely free hosting services.
- React.js - Your favourite framework!
- Css - Cascading Style Sheets.
- Bootstrap - Powerful, extensible, and feature-packed frontend toolkit.
- Ant Design - A design system for enterprise-level products. Create an efficient and enjoyable work experience.
- Grommet - Streamline the way you develop apps.
- Sass - Sassy Style Sheets.
- HTML - Your Markup Languaje
- Axios - Fetch APIS.
- React Router v6 - When you just want to take the easy route.
- Mongo Atlas - Database. Deploy a multi-cloud database.
- Redux - A Predictable State Container for JS Apps.
- Express - Always fast and simple.
- Node - A JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.
Here is the API documentation.
Like, share, subscribe, follow and join our Patreon! Just kidding this is totally for free.
- Jorge Campo aka Yorch, Your backend guy. - Full backend and frontend logic. - Yorch
- David Úbeda, aka David, "I got your styles bro". - Backend and frontend, also all styling. - David
- Gabriel Clemente, aka Gabo, your favorite web developer. - Initial work - Gabo
Maybe it's you.
This project is licensed under the Creative Commons Public Domain License - Feel free to copy the code, I did it too.