Format in System Development Technician by ETEC in 2022, learning and deepening data science.
This is my study in data science, from simple analysis with pandas, through tests and ending with application in large projects.
This is my first contact with data science, learning basic libraries like: Pandas, Numpy, Seaborn, Matplotlib and SciPy
- Python Pandas: tratando e analisando dados
- Pandas: formatos diferentes de entrada e saÃda (IO).
- EstatÃstica com Python: frequências e medidas
- EstatÃstica com Python: probabilidade e amostragem
Here, i learned to use the linear regression technique, using the Scikitlearn library.
- Regressão linear: testando relações e prevendo resultados
- Regressão Linear: técnicas avançadas de modelagem
For improved the visualization of my results, I delved into Matplotlib
- Data Visualization: técnicas de visualização com Google Sheets
- Data Visualization: criação de gráficos com o Matplotlib
This moment, i learned to use the statistics tests for to prove the analyzes obtained by the visualization