🔭 I’m a Computer Engineer focus on Computer Vision and Deep Learning
🌱 I’m currently learning about MLOps, self-supervised learning and synthetic data for computer vision
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Deep learning open source projects
💬 Ask me about Computer vision, machine learning, deep learning, self-supervised learning ...
📫 How to reach me condadoslgpc@gmail.com
Software developed by the Poti Robot Soccer Team of the Department of Computing and Automation (DCA) at UFRN aimed at the development of research in robotics and participation in robot soccer competitions (IEEE VSSS).
Techstack: C | C++ | Makefile | Linux | Qt | V4L2 | Bluetooth | Controllers | Path planning | Robotics | Many other.
TechStack: C++ | CoppeliaSim | Qt | OpenGL | Linux
Simulation using CoppeliaSim (formerly VREP), de# C++ (from scratch) of a path planner based on potential fields. Source Code here. Obs.: I will leave a report in PDF explaining the general functioning of the system.
Project in C++ to build a probabilistic occupancy grid (from scratch). Source code here.
TechStack: C++ | CoppeliaSim | Linux
TechStack: Python | CARLA simulator | Linux
Project developed as a final project of the Self driving car coursera specialization.
TechStack: C++ | CoppeliaSim | Linux
TechStack: C++ | CoppeliaSim | Linux
Simulation using CoppeliaSim and C++ program for collision identification in configuration space (from scratch!).
TechStack: C | C++ | RTOS | ESP32 | Linux
TechStack: C | C++ | Python | RTOS | ESP32 | Linux | ESP-SDK | Kalman filter | PID Controller
Implementation of a feedforward/backward control scheme to control the angular speeds of the motors of a mini robot with differential drive (independent drives/one motor per wheel) with low-resolution sensors (magnetic encoders).
TechStack: C | C++ | Linux | OpenGL | OpenMP
The ray-tracing algorithm takes an image made of pixels. For each pixel in the picture, it shoots a primary ray into the scene. The direction of that primary ray is obtained by tracing a line from the eye to the center of that pixel.
TechStack: C/C++ | Linux | Bluetooth
TechStack: Python | Jupyter Notebooks | Linux | Optimization Algo.
TechStack: Python | Jupyter Notebooks | Linux | Optimization Algo.
TechStack: C | C++ | Linux | Digital Image Processing | OpenCV
TechStack: C | C++ | Linux | Digital Image Processing | OpenCV
TechStack: C | C++ | Linux | Digital Image Processing | OpenCV
This project is about my implementation to reproduce the art work with Art Nitka wires. The program receives an image and generates, through an exhaustive search process, an image made only with black lines on a white background that tries to reproduce the original image.
TechStack: C | C++ | Linux | Digital Image Processing | OpenCV | Python | Dlib
- List of projects:
- QRCode Reader;
- Adaptive Blurring;
- Blending images;
- Canny edged detection;
- convolution operations from scratch;
- How to create gift images;
- DNN Face Detection;
- Face Recognition;
- Facial landmark detection;
- Feature detection;
- Grayscale entropy function;
- Homomorphic filter;
- Object measurement using OpenCV and Python;
- OCR | Text recognition;
- Object detection tutorial using OpenCV and YOLO.
TechStack: C | C++ | Linux | Digital Image Processing | OpenCV
C++ implementation of the convolution operation with additional parameters (stride and padding). I created an Image class, just to work with images in grayscale (I could have done it in color too, without too much difficulty) and to load and save images from memory I decided to work with the PGM standard (Document about the Netpbm project and the image formats defined by them.) which is the simplest to implement, although it takes up a lot of memory space.
TechStack: C | C++ | Linux | Digital Image Processing | OpenCV
- List of projects:
- Program region;
- Bubble Counter;
- Histogram equalization;
- Movement detection on images;
- LoG Filter from scratch;
- Tilt-Shift effect;
- Vectorial quantization using K-means;
- Object tracking using color segmentation.