Awesome-Uniswap-v3 is a community-driven project, designed to be a resource people can use to familiarize themselves with Uniswap v3. All are welcome to contribute.
Uniswap v3 is the most powerful version of the Uniswap protocol yet; with Concentrated Liquidity offering unprecedented capital efficiency for liquidity providers, better execution for traders, and superior infrastructure at the heart of decentralized finance.
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Those interested in Uniswap v3 are invited to explore AUS's collection of resources below. Get to know Uniswap v3 with the help of guides, documentation, analysis pieces, tools, AMAs, podcasts, and third-party apps, and more.
- Uniswap Properties
- Media Coverage
- Basics
- Developer tools
- Ecosystem dApps
- Uni Grant projects
- Other Resources
- Uniswap Website - Official Uniswap Website
- Uniswap v3 Whitepaper - Uniswap v3 Whitepaper
- Uniswap v3 Smart Contracts - Uniswap v3 Smart Contracts
- Uniswap v3 Periphery Contracts - Uniswap v3 Periphery Contracts
- Uniswap v3 Subgraph - Uniswap v3 Subgraph
- Uniswap App - Uniswap App
- v3 Documentation - Official documentation for Uniswap v3
- Uniswap Analytics - Uniswap Analytics
- Blog - Official blog for Uniswap
- Uniswap Grants - Uniswap Grants
- Uniswap Discord - Uniswap Discord
- Uniswap Twitter - Uniswap Twitter
- Uniswap Reddit - Uniswap Reddit
- Wallstreet Journal - Uniswap Wallstreet Journal
- Yahoo Finance - Yahoo Finance
- Decrypt - Decrypt
- MarketWatch - MarketWatch
- The Scoop - Fintech Frank
- Coin Bureau - Coin Bureau
- Crypto Unstacked - Crypto Unstacked v3
- Bankless - Bankless v3
- Official FAQ - Official Uniswap FAQ
- Swap - Official Uniswap guide on swaps
- Liquidity provider & Migration User Guide - Official step-by-step guide on providing liquidity on v3, and migration of liquidity from Uniswap v2 to v3
- Uniswap v3 - Introduction to Uniswap v3 by the Defiant
- Uniswap v3 - Architecture explained - Explanation of Uniswap v3 by Finematics
- Noah from Uniswap Explains Uniswap v3 Contracts
- Official Uniswap research page - A list of research papers curated by uniswap labs
- Uniswap V3's Alchemy - An examination of the nascent rise of Uniswap V3, and its implications for the DeFi landscape by Nansen
- Liquidity Mining on Uniswap v3 - Paradigm's research on liquidity mining on Uniswap v3
- Liquidity providing in Uniswap v3 (1) - Description of new features of Uniswap v3 relevant for LPs. Analysis of boost derived from concentrated liquidity.
- Liquidity providing in Uniswap v3 (3) - Research on the sources of yield on Uniswap v3
- On-chain range orders using Uniswap V3 - Research by Auditless on Uniswap v3 range orders
- Expected Price Range Strategies in Uniswap v3 - Review of academic research on a class of LP strategies
- Uniswap v3 Math - Derives capital efficiency formulas
- Market Making in DeFi - Description of market making dynamics on DeFi
- The Market Making Landscape of Uniswap v3 - Analysis of typical LP behaviour on Uniswap v3 by late August 2021
- Because not all Uniswap V3 pools are born equally… - Generates some statistics on how to compare different Uni v3 pools
- A Mathematical View of Automated Market Maker (AMM) Algorithms and Its Future — Derivations of several results of AMM math
- Strategic Liquidity Provision in Uniswap v3 - Research from Harvard on research on Strategic Liquidity Provision
- Behavior of Liquidity Providers in Decentralized Exchanges (ETH Zurich) - ETH Zurich research on the behavior of LP's on Dexes
- On Liquidity Mining for Uniswap v3 - Analizes potential schemes of rewarding liquidity miners on Uniswap v3
- The Replicating Portfolio of a Constant Product Market with Bounded Liquidity - Derives what portfolio of spot and options can replicate a Uniswap v3 position
- Liquidity Math un Uniswap v3 - Derivation of several key Liquidity Provision formulas from Uniswap v3
- Concentrated Liquidity in Automated Market Makers - Analysis of returns of concentrated liquidity provision since Uniswap v3's release, as well as a comparison of the perfermance of different strategies.
- Active Liquidity Management: Trader's Perspective - A quantitative analysis and simple simulation on Uniswap v3, with final suggestions on how to put together an optimal market making strategy on Uniswap v3
- A 'real-world' framework for backtesting Uniswap V3 strategies - Framework for backtesting LP strategies
- Uniswap V3: A Quant Framework to model yield farming returns - Research by DeFI Scientist on Uniswap v3 LP returns
- Realized Strangle - Executes LP positions and options strategies
- Rebalancing vs Passive strategies for Uniswap V3 liquidity pools - Analyzes the impact of frequent rebalancing on LP returns.
- Quantifying Just in Time Liquidity in Uniswap v3 - Article describing the impact of Flashbots on Liquidity Provision Returns.
- Impermanent Loss in Uniswap V3 - Auditless' research on Impermanent Loss
- Impermanent Loss Insurance (Protection Markets) for Uniswap v3 LP’s - Research by Gamma Strategies on Uniswap v3 Impermanent Loss Insurance
- Liquidity providing in Uniswap v3 (2) - Analysis of impermanent loss from rebalancing and its compounding.
- Concentrated Divergence Loss - Experiences of LPing in a very small Uniswap v3 pool vs. the main Uniswap v2 pool
- Impermanent Loss in Uniswap V3 - Mathematical derivation of impermanent loss
- G3M Impermanent Loss Dynamics - Derives and analyzes impermanent loss on Geometric Mean Market Makers
- Calculating the Expected Value of the Impermanent Loss in Uniswap - Analysis of the expected impermanent loss of a one tick position on Uniswap v3
- Single-Position Impermanent Loss of A Single Transaction for Uniswap V3 - Derivation of impermanent loss formulas for Uniswap v3 positions
- Understand LP risks: use Effective Gain/Loss, not Impermanent Loss - Proposes the use of "effective loss", a measure of net profit that assumes that initial position was 100% USD based, rather than the ratio of tokens you deposit into the pool (as you had to purchase the tokens that you LP).
- Basic Constant Product Market Maker Explainer - Graphical Explanation of x * y = k markets.
- Introduction of Concentrated Liquidity to a CMM - Introduces range orders to the AMM.
- Swap-to-add Calculator - Derivation of the swaps required to deposit 100% of your pair of assets in a pool, given that the pool's ratio and your ranges might not match.
- Impermanent Loss Calculator - This tool shows how impermanent loss and portfolio composition work for Uniswap v3 positions.
- Multiple LP positions example - This tool shwos how multiple concentrated liquidity positions behave when stacked on top of each other in the same pool.
- Synthetic Options and Short Calls in Uniswap V3 - Research interpreting Uniswap v3 LP positions as synthetic options contracts
- Uniswap V3 LP Tokens as Perpetual Put and Call Options - Research on LP positions as pertetual options
- Understanding the Value of Uniswap v3 Liquidity Positions - Research on LP position valuation using an Options framework
- How to Create Perpetual Options in Uniswap v3 - Guide on how to implement Uniswap v3 positions as perpetual options
- A Guide for Choosing Optimal Uniswap V3 LP Positions, Part 1 - Statistical analysis of LP positions
- A Guide for Choosing Optimal Uniswap V3 LP Positions, Part 2 - Derivation of "effective liquidity", combining expected time spent "in the money" with the Uniswap v3 capital efficiency.
- # Uniswap v3 LP Positions: Towards a New Options Paradigm? - Analysis of the risk-reward tradeoffs of one tick positions in Uniswap v3 when interpreted as options
- On-chain Volatility and Uniswap v3 - Derivation of the implied volatility of a one-tick LP position on Uniswap v3.
- Understanding Fees in Optimistic Ethereum: Part 1 - Research on swap fee changes from Optimism
- The Costs of Uniswap v3 Active Management - Research on LP costs, including early Optimism LP estimates
- Gamma transforms: How to hedge squeeth using Uni V3 - Research on hedging squeeth to have zero gamma.
- The "Tuner", a Uniswap V3 Simulator - SDK for simulating a Uniswap v3 pool
- Overview - Overview of Uniswap v3 smart contracts
- Contract map - Interactive contract map for Uniswap v3
- Deployment addresses - Deployment addresses for Uniswap v3
- Business Source License - Terms of the business license.
- Uniswap v3 SDK - Official SDK for building applications on top of Uniswap v3
- Uniswap library - Solidity libraries that are shared across Uniswap contracts. This package focuses on safety and execution gas efficiency.
- Revert Finance - Actionable analytics for tracking liquidity provision on Uniswap v3
- Uniswap v3 Subgraph - Uniswap v3 Subgraph
- Flipside Crypto - Flipside Crypto data sources
- Visor Finance - Active Liquidity Management protocol built on NFT Smart Vaults
- Gamma Strategies - An organization dedicated to funding ‘Active LP’ strategies and research. Apply for a grant here
- Charm finance - Automated LP Vaults for Uniswap V3
- Sommelier Finance - Add liquidity to Uniswap v3
- Flipside crypto - Uniswap v3 Fee calculator
- - Uniswap v3 strategy simulator
- DeFiLab - Uniswap v3 Strategy simulator
- - Uniswap v3 IL calculator
- Vercel App - Uniswap v3 strategy simulator
- - Backtester of Uniswap v3 LP positions
- Revert Finance's Initiator -'s simulator
- BearWhale.Crypto - LP Return data and simulator
- Uniswap v3 volume and fees collected - Dune dashboard containing data for volume and fees collected for Uniswap v3 by Gamma Strategies
- Uniswap v2-to-v3 ramp up - Dune dashboard comparing Uniswap v2 and v3 by Michael Silberling
- Uniswap v3 usage - Dune dashboard with Uniswap v3 Trading Usage, Growth, and Competitive Analysis by Michael Silberling
- Parsec Finance - Uniswap v3 specific features such as historical pool depth and positions overview
- UNIFest - Virtual concert co-produced by the UNI community through lightweight governance
- Team Secret sponsorship - eSports team sponsorship
- v3 python wrapper - Open source python wrapper for v3, enables automated trading contracts/strategies
- Rari Capital - Nova contracts external audit - Open Zeppelin audit of Rari Capital's Nova Contracts which enables L1-L2 interop swaps
- John Palmer - UI & tools for UNI governance - Tooling and interface for more easily launching autonomous proposals
- Omar Bohsali - v3 LM incentive contracts - Creation and auditing of v3 liquidity mining incentive contracts
- Rabbit Hole - v3 onboarding - Incentivized learning modules to UNI newcomers getting their feet wet with v3
- Timothy Luke - UGP Headless Branding - Headless branding exercise from branding experts to see how to create an amorphous and growing movement of UGP participants
- v3 Analytics Bounties (Flipside & Dune Analytics) - RFP
- Other Internet Community Study - RFP
Other grantees from wave 1 & wave 2 can be found here: Wave 1 | Wave 2
- Resources - Official page for additional Uniswap resources